St. Mary's Food Bank Ministry

One of the most active outreach ministries at St. Mary's is our Food Bank. We directly serve about 100 individuals each month as well as providing produce and baked goods to three other service organizations on a weekly basis that reach out to abused women and children, the elderly, and families that live with HIV/AIDS.

Where does the food come from? About 95% of the food that we distribute is purchased through the Northwest North Carolina Food Bank in Winston-Salem. When monies are donated through the church for this ministry, we purchase dry and canned good, hygiene products and cleaning products for th minimal cost of thirteen cents a pound. We have 6-8 shoppers who inventory, shop, stock our shelves and pack the boxes for distribution. This ministry is truly a labor of love, and we am grateful for the people that give to this ministry on a regular basis and for those who work so hard to maintain the Food Bank. It is a lot of work!

In addition to the food purchased through the Food Bank, we ask church members to donate paper products and other items that we cannot get through the Food Bank.

How is the food distributed? Individuals come to the office to put up food. Each individual/family is allowed a large box of food that will provide food for two to three weeks. Individuals/families are allowed to shop twice a month.

How do people find out about us? We receive referrals from Social Services, THP, Episcopal Servant Center, GRAIN, and individuals. Each month we see and provide for new families as well as many regulars.

St. Mary's has a right to be proud fo this ministry. We are truly trying to answer the Gospel call to feed those less fortunate than ouselves.

Please remember the Food Bank in your giving.

-Rev. Christine Oscar

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