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My Life


It took me a long time, a lot of reading, and a lot of thinking to really understand what I am. Now I can tell that I'm a Transgender. (TG)
All behavior or feelings outside the norm for a person's apparent (physical) gender can be described as transgender, so this includes transvestitism and transsexualism. I personally describe myself as Transgendered rather than address whether I am TV or TS.

There is also a term "Transgenderist" (also abbreviated to TG) which describes transgendered people for whom adopting the "opposite gender" is a more important part of their lives, and who may spend a significant part or even all of their time living in this role, without progressing on to surgery.

I feel at least partly female, and need to express this side of my personality at least some of the time by dressing and behaving as a woman.

As a 15 years old boy I started wearing female clothes from time to time, knowing at that early age that it was not consider "normal". At this point I started hiding my feelings about it. Otherwise I was a quite "normal" boy, playing with toycars, football, all usual stuff for my age. I really was a normally boy. However I always had the fear of being "abnormal".

For years I thought that there were only two options in a male life. Straight or homosexual. I knew I was not straight, but the strange thing was that I was not attracted by males. Today when I am going out as a female and under my male friends which know me as Sabina find me attractive, pretty and nice. Wow more please ...........

Later in my life I had the opportunity to dress as a woman and it was the beginning of the understanding for me, since then I really wanted to look and spend some time as a girl. Later from time to time I dressed completely as a woman, wore a wig, polished my nails, wore make up and the feeling was wonderful. A wonderful feeling, a feeling of having found what I was looking for my other part, the other me, Sabina. Either, I am what I am

Ending in the word of transgender was a matter of time, I didn't want to become a woman full time so I was not a transsexual, and the word transgender seem to me to include transvestites and transsexuals.

So enjoy my homepage!!!


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