
and their


There are no particular criteria for these selections. Some are people that I know, others are personal pages I have found which I liked.

If you'd like your URL listed here send me a mail POST. Quick attention will be given to those who offer large amounts of cash, dinner for two at a five star restaurant or similar inducements. I will also list e-mail addreses if you wish, but only of the address to be listed is that from which the request is sent.

This mottley crew are the denizens of the usenet newsfroup.
(GOTO my favorite news page)
There is a list of contributors and either an info page or a direct link to a site.

These pages are hosted by

This is for Peanuts whom I met through the uk.glb newsgroup.

Go visit his site, he's a pro-fesh-ee-on-all, so be sure to admire the design!

Here's Sean's patch.

He's into, er... C++; and, um... snowboarding, like my sister; and, eek... body art.

This is for JohnM whom I met through the uk.glb newsgroup.

"This picture is scanned from last year's gym ID card. I could not improve it although the full might of Photoshop was upon it . I thought of trying the Picasso filter which would have me look at both directions at once - an evolutionary improvement, no doubt - the blur filter which would leave you rubbing your eyes in disbelief or the soft focus filter which might make you think it was my wedding photo. In the end, I simply applied a massive gamma correction."

This is Fred.

"Hello! I don't really have anything to put onto this site as I am not advertising anything, selling anything, nor am I a particularly interesting person. So I shall just restrict this to telling you something about me, and my friends, and other wishy washy stuff."

Here's David Rourke

"Hello. This is my personal home web page. This page is friendly to grail, chimera, and lynx. I actually just use this page as a source of useful links for me: you may also find them helpful."

This is Ziggy.

"Who am I, well I live in Hertfordshire and have lived here since 1982 it's quiet and convenient for my work, and it's close to London where I seem to spend a lot of my time.
On this page you will find out who or what has inspired me in life, my taste in music (past and present) and then on the following pages you will find out all you need to know about me and what I do in my spare time, that's if you can take any more. What you will not find here is the usual page with a list of 'stats' but if you need to know read what is here and you may work it out for yourself, or if you are that desperate you can send of for them by using the auto responder at the bottom of this page."

Nik Rawlinson

"Welcome to the rainy day web site mark three - I guess I just can't stop fiddling with it, can I! Anyway, bigger and better than ever, the site is back again with a great selection of games, words, sounds, photos and other "interesting" stuff. "

And some more

Dr. J.W.Harley Mikkie Dennis Lloyd

Richard Chris Newman Chuck Hanrahan

Paul D. Engle John Hudson Paul Baker
Paul is doing a PhD in Polari

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M.D.Malthouse. Last updated January 18th 1997

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