Thank you for having the guts to visit my web page!!!
Don't wimp out now!!!
Sign the book!!!
Don't worry... no one will think you're a fag!!

Robert Gregory - 08/25/00 17:46:32
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: The bearnet
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: becuase you are hot
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No
Is she gay?: No
You are soooo hot to me. [:<) I have a profile in the Bear net under hairyfeller Hairyfeller huggs

- 07/30/00 00:43:38
Click Me

Eric - 05/07/00 22:21:21
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Looking for gay tarot sites on Excite.
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: No! I have this thing about not having sex with strangers.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Probably! You wouldn't be the first to try...and fail.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: I never told her, and she never asked me.
Is she gay?: I don't think so. I never asked.
You're a cutie! Weird guestbook questions.

KTD - 08/20/99 01:58:55
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: cruisin'
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Nah, I'll drink a beer with you though
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: ...depends on how drunk we get :-)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Maybe
Is she gay?: No, she thinks "You Da Man" though!!!!
Kuhn needs to swallow Shadow's head sometime in the near future!

ROBERT MORAN - 07/31/99 05:18:41
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: bear net
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: definitely
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she's dead, so yes
Is she gay?: very

chip - 06/15/99 21:58:14
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: missed my exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep. you smell better than Miss Scarlett
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Of course. I have better teeth than Miss Scarlett
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she forwards sites like other moms forward bad jokes
Is she gay?: I've always wondered about those bridge clubs
See 'ya soon!

- 06/11/99 20:55:10
Get some new pics! You are a helluva lot better looking now than those old things. Come on stud, show it off!!

Chip - 06/03/99 01:18:49
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Missed the exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep, you smell better than Miss Scarlett
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You know it! I have better teeth than Miss Scarlett
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She forwards 'em like other moms forward jokes
Is she gay?: Hmmm... I've often wondered about that Bridge Club thing of hers...
Didn't you mention something about a freight train? Choo-choo!

Chip - 05/31/99 17:19:48
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Missed my exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep, if you'll ever get out of Miss Scarlett's pen.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You know you do...
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She forwards great j/o sites like other Moms forward jokes
Is she gay?: I've often wondered about that Bridge Club thing...
Didn't you mention something about a freight train? Choo-choo!

Chip - 05/31/99 17:18:29
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Missed my exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep, if you'll ever get out of Miss Scarlett's pen.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You know you do...
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She forwards great j/o sites like other Moms forward jokes
Is she gay?: I've often wondered about that Bridge Club thing...
Didn't you mention something about a freight train? Choo-choo!

Chip - 05/31/99 17:18:12
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Missed my exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep, if you'll ever get out of Miss Scarlett's pen.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You know you do...
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She forwards great j/o sites like other Moms forward jokes
Is she gay?: I've often wondered about that Bridge Club thing...
Didn't you mention something about a freight train? Choo-choo!

Chip - 05/31/99 17:13:28
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Missed my exit off I-75
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yep, if you'll ever get out of Miss Scarlett's pen.

Jim - 05/31/99 12:29:00
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Just lucky, Yahoo
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: No, Robert (aka Puppydog) would be upset at both of us.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: No, Robert hates incest.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She doesn't want to think about it.
Is she gay?: Not yet
Did Shadow find his way to the food bowl??

Cadilacjack - 05/26/99 20:58:09
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: you sent your link
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: No, I don't know you
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: No, you don't know me
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no

Randy - 05/20/99 01:54:07
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: oh yea if you're a top, probaly just a masc.butch bottom though!!!!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: yeap, because I am a very oral bottom that loves oral, rimming, cbt, tt and anything safe
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she gives me the addresses to most of them....
Is she gay?: well, she taught me how to eat pussy, and suck cock, LOL!!
HEY BUDDY, If you ever get to D.C. and need a hot tattooed, pierced, into just about anything bottom boy to play with, look me up, I'm in the white pages. :-) )

TJ - 05/19/99 20:11:15
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: If I based my decision entirely on your looks I'd have to say YES however, for all I know you may be a real jerk and then the answer would be NO
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You know less about me than I know about you.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: It's not a topic of conversation the we've shared. If what you really want to know is if my Mother knows I'm gay, the answer is yes.
Is she gay?: You'd have to ask her girlfriends.
You're a handsome man. I'm hopeful that some day I will have the opportunity to meet you.

Russian Bear - 05/16/99 05:19:05
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure.You're too hot for words.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why not? We're kindred spirits. Into new age & mysticism?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Sure
Is she gay?: No
Are you into the Tarot? Kaballah? I just love new age (Millennium) Bears.

wild man west - 04/25/99 04:02:12
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Fran & Sy, it's true
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I hope not.....
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: It's not a great idea
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: a great question!
Is she gay?: not a chance
How come you never return your phone calls??

Brian - 04/23/99 18:35:02
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?:
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she cringes at the idea...
Is she gay?: yeah, right....
just wanted to say, WOOF! if you should ever want to trade pics with a big ol bear... send me a request. i will send you one. (hey, i have gotten to see you, already) Brian

Darrell - 04/16/99 21:20:41
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: look good,sound interesting.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: ditto?,ditto?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No, but who cares?
Is she gay?: She's never told me.
Says your site was last updated: Dec 31, 2000. Thats what I like to see a man ahead of his time! Hope you read your own book and e-mail me some time.

FarmguyFL - 03/05/99 19:37:29
My URL:http://Satyrn is a God
My Email:Satyrn is a God
How did you get here?: Satyrn is a God
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Satyrn is a God
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Satyrn is a God
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Satyrn is a God
Is she gay?: Satyrn is a God
Satyrn is a God

FarmguyFL - 03/05/99 19:19:39
My URL:http://...yeah uhhuh
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: I did a web search for "troll"
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: the thought has entered my mind.(At the time I hadn't slept for 72 hours)
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Everyone wants to have sex with me.(The Gods endowed me with supernatural can't be helped)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: I think Jesus tells her...not sure about this yet.
Is she gay?: all women are gay
Great web site! It's thorough without the neon fluff. Have a great time in Daytona..I have a fear of biker crowds. I will however possibly be in Daytona Sat night(3/6)at various gay-friendly establishments..would treasure meeting you in a public place:)

Rych (Rich) - "firebear" - 02/10/99 09:03:56
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Eventually, friendship should start first, then after the first date. LOL
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: If you don't open your eyes, it'd work great. LOL
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: Nope
Saw your add MANY times!! When I always see it updated, I always read and stare at your pics and bios on your website. We have the same thing in common... mother has died, don't get along with dad. But my stepmom doesn't care who or what I became. She's t ying to get me to tell my dad. In due time. Anyways, enough said. We may be on the opposite sides of the 4-corners of the states, but if interested, I'm under "69firebear69" on the, even if it's to be friends (or not). Thanks for your time, eh?? wink> Here's to hearing from ya! Firebear aka: Rych

Stacey BEARCUB(FL) - 01/21/99 00:37:18
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: :-)~
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Who wouldn't????
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: YEAP...Cause I am a "Bad" Boy
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yeap
Is she gay?: Nope
You are a site for sore eyes.. :)~ You are A Sexy Guy and whoever you get to spend the time with is gonna be a very HAPPY guy... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM That could be a good thing..... :-)~ Later Dude Stacey....

Dan Strang - 01/18/99 21:25:38
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: searched florida side from ct.
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes, always want to learn new ways/things in lifes ways!!!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: no, i have a beer gut! 38"waist.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no
im glad there r more people starting to get things like this open to the public for others to see/use!!!

BearBar - 01/14/99 16:59:54
My Email:bearbar@hot mail.comm
How did you get here?: Birth
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes ,you guess
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: yes my guess
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: DA
Is she gay?: What kind of ? is that?
Well,Satyrn ,after veiwing your pic,I'd say Hi. to you in a bar or Club,and then ask you if I might by you a drink or soda ,or what-ever you'd like. Im a Good guy,and if you ever get to Colorado,let me know and I'll take you and Your better half out ,OK, thanks bye Don BearBar

- 01/14/99 16:33:20

Dave - 01/13/99 18:54:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.westhollywood/4111
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: westhollywood web ring
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure would!!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Well I can try can't I?
You were the first bear I came across after adding my page to the new westhollywood web ring and thought I'd see what you were about. WooF!!! Dave

Antaraan - 12/31/98 20:50:51
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Looking for info on Satyrs
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I'm sure that I could be persuaded.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: If you like bears I don't see why not.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Probably. She's always hoping I'll find a partner.
Is she gay?: no
Love your site, you've done a great job. I was just in Ft Lauderdale for the Healing the Whole Self Conference. Too bad I didn't see you there, it would have made the time oh so pleasant.

California JIM - 12/28/98 18:45:44
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Gay Chat room (bears)
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Would love to enjoy meeting you and going from there you have a nice hot homepage. U are very masculine looking and good looking that is one main reason
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Well, I guess that is a judgement call. I'm older and I don't play head games, I like people and I think you would enjoy the man2man loving atttention i would give you!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Old enough to know bettter, your mom know what you are doing now? lets chat sometime
Is she gay?: NO, I'm the only black sheep in the family... I don't regret it either
My name is Jim Residence .. Sacramento, California Age 44gwm 5'11"190# 7.5uc Thick Hazel Eyes, Clean shaven, Moderate body hair Stocky build, strong body and legs enjoy M2m action, rough and strong men, but can you handle me? Lots of ORAL action, foreplay, touching kissing, PLENTY OF BODYSWEAT, PHONE sex... enjoy wresting, bowling, pool, taking my dog out to the American River parkway for a run.. and cooking ..not to forget i enjoy Opera, country Western, oldies Goodies, movies, and entertaining. Especially that one on one ... well the rest is up to you. I'll send you a few pictures so u can make a better judgement call.. Hope to hear from you... if you feel man enough to enjoy ... write me.. if you are scared, or need mommy I'll understand :-) Have a great day stud Oh I have ICCQ also 5990949 Jim Stewart Sacraemtno, CA

Docbeartx - 12/23/98 18:58:37
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Talked to you on
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I would rather get to know you than just hop in the sack with you.... sorry, I have morals.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why not?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No
Is she gay?: No
I liked your page... you are a very handsome man.

Dust Devil ??? - 12/12/98 18:29:52
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: By Whirlwind
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yea, cause your good at it.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yea, cause I'm good at it.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No but my Uncle does.
Is she gay?: No but my Uncle is.
Be creative or don't be ?

vickytor - 11/28/98 12:58:45
My URL:http://
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: surfing
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: why not?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: cause.....well...
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: still no
your cute but wheres the hot pics?

JETT - 10/29/98 18:23:03
My Email:DoAbleNow2
How did you get here?: Your wesite
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YEAH, your FINE
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Up to U
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: NO
Is she gay?: NO
It was Cool and your Cute

DevonUK - 10/17/98 10:08:47
How did you get here?: Boots' page
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I can only imagine
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I can only hope
Cool site. If you're ever in London I would love to lick you all over!!!

Ranchero - 10/04/98 01:41:32
How did you get here?: Boots link
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: in a Miami Minute!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: What do you have to loose? Your virginity? LOL
Woof! Mighty fine lookin' boy! I enjoyed your website and reading a little about you. Next time you fall down rollerblading it would be nice if you fell on my dick!

Stan - 09/20/98 00:47:48
How did you get here?: Boots link
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Would you bottom?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Ehhhh
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Leave my mother out of this
Good lookin Dude! Cum to Montana!

Lisa S. - 09/19/98 16:26:18
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: MBHS Reunion site
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Not hardly
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Ibid
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Probably not but she wouldn't be surprised
Is she gay?: Perish the thought! But I am, however am not out to MBHSers, so keep it to yrself, plz!
Nice pix, Jeff, esp. the first one of you! WHO'DA THUNK IT? I didn'trealize you didn't graduate - that was news. How comme you left SF? I'm so glad you're there to show me around SoBe. I asked Gary R. and he was less than enthusiastic... ;0 Write soon! LISA

robert peer - 09/17/98 15:12:58
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: link bootsnsox pg
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes, i 'm a pig
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: i 'm a goodlooking pig
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no
nice site, i think you are a very handsome and sexy man, and boots told me to.

Otter-NZ - 09/16/98 16:22:48
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: by clicking the icon
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yhea sure, Why not :)
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, because you said so
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: not any more
Hey guy great looking homepage, Just like you Woofs at ya.

Martini - 09/14/98 17:32:58
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: irc
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: sure, because you are funny and attractive.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: because it would be lots of fun.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she surfs them with me.
Is she gay?: not yet
I have seen you in #bearcave off and on for nearly a year. You are always a pleasure to watch in action. Your wit is always stimulating and intelligent. It's really nice to see that your looks are as good as your humour. : )

Barry - 09/12/98 15:57:18
How did you get here?: web site link
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Of course
Why are all the delicious looking dudes so far away?

Michel - 09/10/98 10:34:13
How did you get here?: collegamento BootSnSox
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Nessun siamo sconosciuti
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: qualche cosa � possibile
Siete un uomo handsome vorreste vedervi pi� immagini. Venire un momento in Italia ed imparare circa passione. Sizzle!!!

Ewoke - 09/08/98 17:52:25
My URL:Not that hip
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Saw you on IRC. :)
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Damn straight. Would be a fool to NOT want to.. can anyone say *PURRRR*
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yep.. :)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She pointed them out to me. :)
Is she gay?: Nope.. demented, does that count?
Love the pix.. love the words.. love everything about it. Give me a ring sometime.. Michael

Growler - 09/07/98 19:59:11
How did you get here?: Boots' website
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure, are you versatile?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Cuz I hear you need a guy like me
6'3.5" 225# black hair, blue eyes, bearded, pierced, inked, and fur from asshole to appetite. I marked your website, I'll be in SoBe for Thanksgiving - and you can be my dinner!

Jordan Greene - 08/28/98 21:02:05
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: linked over from your page
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure(!) It beats surfing gay websites.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Of course. Because you're an adventerous sort of guy.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Well, she knows I'm gay and that I have internet access.
Is she gay?: I doubt it, but I'm sure she tasted forbidden fruit
I enjoyed reading your ad and think your site is quite fun. Me? Why I thought you'd never ask. Same age as you (5/25/61), a few inches shorter (5-9) and a few pounds lighter (~165lb). Br/Br moustache and no body art. Clean, professional, mus cally talented(!) and smart. Oh, and a New Yorker to boot. Send me a note, will ya? -J

Boots - 08/22/98 00:54:12
Comments:'re workin' too hard!

Tackler - 08/17/98 19:35:57
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Chat room
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: When I visit Miami
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why NOT?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: My mother doesn't know alot of things about me
Is she gay?: Never looked
Very nice looking guy Satyrn.....I'm sure you have no problems whatsoever finding enough action to keep you busy in Miami. But, wouldn't mind letting you show me around sometime.

Rodeorider - 08/16/98 15:41:11
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: link
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes. Love the facial hair
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes. Cause I'm the one who will take you places you have only DREAMED of reaching
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yep
Is she gay?: Nope
W O O F !!!

BootSnSox - 08/08/98 15:42:57
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: an exit from the womb
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: HehHeh
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: HehHeh
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: This is getting old
Is she gay?: She's a happy camper, yes.
Oy Vey!

BootSnSox - 08/07/98 04:25:48
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: I'm still here from the last two fucking times!
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Because I like making wankstains
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Because you are obviously hard up and if I have to be the designated'll do as you're told!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: My mothe...oh who gives a rat's ass!!
Is she gay?: Yes of course...I am a child product of lesbian sex.
I always like to sign a book three times. So, are you ready to settle down and be a monogamous man yet? What? You still want to be a SoBe slut??? Awwww shucks! I'll bring the collar and leash....and the soap! You bring the Jergens and a rag because I don't fuck on the first date and bring cash, I refuse to spring for the entire cost of the hotel room and if the guy who brings room service is cuter than you....well hey...BONUS! How do you feel about three ways? Have you ever fucked on a picnic table? Because I don't do ass splinters, no way! Lick Sloppy wet kisses gropes Damn you're gorgeous...I don't stand a chance, do I.

BootSnSox - 08/07/98 04:14:32
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: You sent me ya tramp! (I think because you want to get in my pants)
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure. I do LOTS of charity work!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You got money?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: My mother doesn't even know where I fucking live!
Is she gay?: Not always...sometimes she's quite depressed!
Yer a cutie....gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch! gawd I hope you're Butch!

BootSnSox - 08/07/98 04:04:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: You sent me ya tramp!
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Hmmmmmmm
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: Not always...sometimes she's quite depressed!
Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments FUC ME Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments FUCK ME Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments FUCK ME Comments Comments Comments CommentsComments Comments Comments Comments FUCK ME! Oh, and did I mention....FUCK ME? Yer a cutie....gawd I hope you're Butch!

Bryan Beard - 08/06/98 21:09:14
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: we swapped emails on irc
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: hell yeah, your the MAN!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: because I'm FireCrotch!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she should, LOL
Is she gay?: no, just recently widowed
I didnt get your name today, but it was a pleasure chatting with you, honestly. I am going to look into a flt to Key Wst soon and I may go thru Miami, u can join if your free more than welcome guy. email me back guy!!! you seem to be a very nice down to earth guy, i anm the same way about my 3 yr old neice Kaylea. I like that in you! You are very down to earth as well, an all around great guy HUGS N TUGS

Troy and Russ DeVore - 08/04/98 22:07:38
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: you told me in the bearcave
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes we do cuz your hot
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes cuz you said we are hot
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes she is sitting here now
Is she gay?: Hell she does not even know
Thanks I enjoyed your site and hope you enjoy ours

Chesley - 07/30/98 21:40:33
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/Heights/3217/
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: bearcave
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: You look so interesting
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: because you want to
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: who cares.....
Is she gay?: nope...
man... I wished I lived closer.....

ANTONIO - 07/30/98 21:04:53
My Email:antonios@pacbell,net
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: and how! because look about as butch as i do
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: yes!!! because I'M kook
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she surfs them with me
Is she gay?: the thought of it creeps me out

Charles May aka Chazz - 07/22/98 19:20:16
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YES! Becuase you look like a totally fuckable, suckable guy.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Probabaly. Orgasm inducing back rubs, and world class cuddling as well as religious experiencing causing blow jobs,
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: Bisexual actualy
You are a cutie.

Chip - 07/21/98 13:44:33
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Surfing
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?:'re woofy
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: hopefully
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no
As long as I've got a face.....YOU got a seat!

Mike - 07/15/98 01:00:28
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: flirting LOL
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I havnt met ya
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Im fucking cute LOL
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Of cousre, she introduces me to gay men (SCREAM she has no taste)
Is she gay?: LOL, we are not sure

brad - 07/14/98 22:15:29
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Just happened by
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes, however, I would like to see more pictures
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Because I am hot, like you with a great body
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no
Email me some time.

Tony Christian - 06/28/98 21:51:10
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: WoofWatch
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Maybe, I am still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor first and then I'll give you an answer, but it will probably be yes...LOL
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I would Pray that you would
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: No
This is one of the best guest books i have ever seen and you are one of the cutes guy I have ever seen. I loved it here, may I add a link to your page on mine, i know my friends would love it.

Tony Christian - 06/28/98 21:42:47
My URL:http://members.tripod,com/~Iscia/index-2.html
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: WoofWatch
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Maybe, I am still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor first and then I'll give you an answer, but it will probably be yes...LOL
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I would Pray that you would
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: No
This is one of the best guest books i have ever seen and you are one of the cutes guy I have ever seen. I loved it here, may I add a link to your page on mine, i know my friends would love it.

Leight - 06/26/98 21:07:00
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: viewed the class of '78 Board; Iwas Class of '77
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I hate to disappoint ya
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I don't it
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Neither did I
Is she gay?: That would be a big surprise
I enjoyed your site. Our re-union was fun; consider going to yours. Have fun.... Nathan Leight Miami Beach Class of '77

Chesley - 06/26/98 18:40:52
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: through
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes... I woud love to have sex with a man like you.....
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I am a bear
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: I really don't care.....
Is she gay?: Nope ... she is one of the other type
You are one hot looking dude....

Ariel Marquez - 06/24/98 18:45:20
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: the owner of the page himself
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: may, only if we got along in life together and stuff like that
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: no, maybe because i am under age and u already said no
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no WAY!!!!
Is she gay?: NO!!!!
this is T4k ur litttle irc buddy i can be found at in gaymiami klnow as also Tall16

Hunter N. Herdsman - 06/19/98 16:43:10
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: It all began back in 1958...
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Will you wear a halter and let me call you Ellie Mae?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Probably. You don't appear to have any standards
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: I've never surfed, but I have gotten surfed
Is she gay?: Nothing you say will make me think about my mother having sex.
You are obviously a very disturbed individual. Please immediately remove from your website all questions pertaining to my mother. She was never seen again after that trip to DollyWood, although there are rumours that she met a nice truck driver. I'm sure he's fine, so there's no need to stop her pensions checks from coming in the mail. P.S. Could you please keep your dog from digging in my backyard?

Frankie - 06/17/98 18:34:20
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: WoofWatch & You
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes, Besides you being attractive and adventurous, it's a lot of fun
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, I am attractive, adventurous and a lot of fun.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Sure, she has sent me to a few.
Is she gay?: Nope, but she would like to be.
Hay thanks for the fun and informitive times over the net, who know's maybe we will meet up, soon I hope, and have some great times, body to body.

Keith Venters - 06/05/98 19:26:10
My Email:[email protected]
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: No! I just want to get to know u better
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, because I am good in bed
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: WHat kind of a question is that? I use the lirary at school!
Is she gay?: My mother is very straight!!!!!!
If u ever want to have a conversation on the phone, no phone sex, then call me at (914)251-7491. Take good care and write back soon Keith

Jonathan Price /cntryboy - 06/04/98 02:20:28
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YES!!!!! Because you look like the kind of person that could stand endless hours of the best sex around.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Only if your heart is up to it.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Are you kidding?
Is she gay?: I have deep suspisions about another family member, but not my mother
Now, don't be afraid to e-mail me back ([email protected]) I'll show you a way to heat up that keyboard of yours ; )~

Martin - 06/01/98 01:47:18
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: random browser
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: maybe, nice facial hair
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why? I'm weird!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: NO!
Is she gay?: NO!
HA HA! I dared to leave a message on this website! HA HA!

Dan Duffany - 05/31/98 20:05:08
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: I was lost, now I am scared...
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: No, I am spoken for.........
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, Because if you slept with Richard, you will sleep with anything!!!!!!!!!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes, But she will deny it. Flatly.
Is she gay?: No, No she is not.
Howdy From BigDanVT........

jeff - 05/14/98 10:52:50
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: woofwatch
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes, you are one hot man, as well as one hell of a nice guy
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: if you like a flat topped, goateed, tatooed, pierced man
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: no
i was visiting woof watch after finding out i am on there myself, came across your pic, and visited your web site. WOOF!! After all, Tampa is not that far from Miami!! take care, bud

Tom Hooper - 05/01/98 15:25:59
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: from webchat
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes, your wonderful smile as you plunge your dick up my ass.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I am a great bottom.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No
Is she gay?: No.
You are quite a charmer and I wish you all the best as you roller blade down the roads of Miami and life.

Mars - 04/29/98 20:02:34
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: saw you on the chat room
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: NO,,
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: ??I think so?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes
Is she gay?: no
Beautiful homepage..good looking dude!!!!!

Christopher - 04/25/98 06:53:21
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: woofwatch
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure, you're a handsome cub
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: sure, not a bear or cub but I would make you bark
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yea, who doesn't
Is she gay?: no

Tigress - Goddess of the Jungle - 04/22/98 23:02:37
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Yahoo!
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: lol.. sure, why not?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: doubt it...
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No, there's a lot my mom doesn't know about me...
Is she gay?: Who knows? She's way to uptight to consider the idea!
Cute sight... to the point... :)

warren - 04/22/98 06:00:36
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: woof watch
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure very hotncute
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: very cute n hairy
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: sure does
Is she gay?: nope
Love your web page. too bad still not in ny

MARK - 04/07/98 18:45:36
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: KICKIN' AND SCREAMIN'
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YES, YOUR SMILE MAKES MY COCK JUMP.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE, BIG CITY COP'S KID, I CAN HANDLE YOU!!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: NO, BIO-MOM DECEASED: STEP-MOM, STILL HASSLING CINDERELLA

Leatherbear - 04/07/98 06:51:42
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: via Larry's boot page
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: you're a hot man!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: paobably not, I'm old enough to be your father
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: no, she's an imperious dowager of 89
drop me an e-mail

Yenfa - 04/04/98 20:13:36
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/Wellesley/9652/
How did you get here?: Dont know
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: I do not want to have sex with you
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: no
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: no
Is she gay?: no

Paul - 03/23/98 13:21:18
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?:
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: of course, hot man
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: furry bear , yes
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: nope
Is she gay?: nope
Wish there were more of you to see... :o)

Lee, aka HotDamn & UCGuy - 03/20/98 05:01:00
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: you invited me
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: to feel that beard stubble rubbing against my thighs :)
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: to feel your nuts pounding against my cheeks :)
Is she gay?: yes, but she doesn't know it
kewl page, dude :) I'm not a good rollerblader, either, but plan to learn this summer

AL - 03/15/98 22:33:54
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Cruising Bear NET
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yes, cause you need it!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, you recognize a good ....!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She might, if she is watching from above!
Is she gay?: She was a very happy woman!
Drop me a line. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area! Who knows what might happen. :-)

Martin - 03/05/98 17:53:13
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: by my parents hahaha
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: sure
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: FOR sure
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: ????
Is she gay?: funny
Your a real hot stud. Like u lots. Wish I could see more....

Jeff - 02/26/98 01:39:59
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Looking through bear pages
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Yeah, would be fun
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yes, would like to think so
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yep!
Is she gay?: Yeah right!
Hope you visit some time. Or like to chat that would be cool too!

LON - 02/25/98 23:16:16
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Bear Net
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: maybe
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: maybe
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: probably
Just wanted to let you know how much I liked your page.I have one under "LON" I knew you were a fellow Aquarian before I saw your birthdate,Mine is Feb.8 1959,Happy Belated Birthday! P.S. I do think your very good looking,but I like you better in the full beard.Take care & HUGS

THOMAS - 02/21/98 22:18:38
My Email:[email protected]

- 02/18/98 19:16:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: internet explorer
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: sure, why not
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: sure, why not
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: no

Greg Coleman - 02/16/98 03:42:32
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Bear Ring
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure. It's not like your a troll.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: You tell me.
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: She hasn't asked.
Is she gay?: Nope, at least I don't think so.

Tom - 02/07/98 21:13:47
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/village/6654
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: geocities birthday page
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YES ...because I like to have fun!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Hopefully ...because I am very Sweet :) :) :)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: not likely
Is she gay?: no and neither was my dad (they had 6 children..if that means anything)......
Well, I hope you have a good BIRTHDAY... Nice job on your website...

Amber - 02/05/98 05:03:48
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: no
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: who cares
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she don,t want to
Is she gay?: no is yours

David Gunton - 02/05/98 04:06:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: yahoo search
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: fucking hot man!!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: to know me is to love me
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: probably
Is she gay?: I doubt it
Great looking man! I was searching for satyr pictures and look what I found. Be good to yourself, man! Play hard -- play safe!

Ianbear - 01/19/98 19:52:25
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/Heights/7058
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: BML
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Only if I get to wear the french maid outfit, I never get to wear the french maid outfit!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Oh yes, doesn't everyone?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Oh no! She thinks my bear-boyfriend is just a very hairy girl.
Is she gay?: I don't know, I'll have to ask her girlfriend.
Fun page, wish I knew about you last year when I was in Miami. Oh, and by the way, I don't care who thinks I'm a fag. huggz

SJ - 01/16/98 11:14:21
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: BML
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Great Looker
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Bear
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No - I am 54, she 84
Is she gay?: No
I loved your picture and your description of rollerblading - irreverent and funny.

Mike G. - 01/16/98 06:02:35
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: FM
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Nope...not my type, but you do look like fun
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Probably not, but I've been wrong before
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes - she's ALWAYS been a constant source of encouragement & I love her dearly for it
Is she gay?: Not yet, but I can dream, can't I ??? As long as she's happy...
Liked your site... from one X NYer to another --- do yourself a favor & go west to SF. (I'd be there, but I like it further south - aversion to cold & wet, unless it's a nuzzle) I lived near N. MY-ami Bitch...not much for BEAR-minded folk x-cept hibernation & watching the eventual...How do YOU spell down r!!! (sorry!) I hope things change there - it has lots of potential!!!!

Grizzcub - 01/16/98 01:35:30
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/Heights/1207
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Your BML Post
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Maybe.... Your VERY handsome
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why certainly, I am VERY handsome also, you would be one VERY lucky man....
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: No, she thinks I am an Icepick weilding lesbian!
Is she gay?: She's hidden deep in Ellen's closet
My, my you are a handsome, witty guy! Woofola! Hey you need to move back to the left coast! You should venture back to The City for IBR!

EdS - 01/13/98 04:09:31
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: BearRing
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Whynot?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Whocares!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Why?
Is she gay?: Whocares less!!
I dare, so there..

mS JERRINE - 01/06/98 20:27:32
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: looking for person
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: u Look good and sure
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: i dunno do u
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: deceased
Is she gay?: daaaaaaaaaaa

jason linehan - 12/25/97 12:39:57
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: bear ring
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: yes. you are extremely sexy
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: yes. i also am very attractive
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: no
would very much like to have further contact with you.

Don Joe - 12/19/97 13:44:55
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: search Miami
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sure - who wouldn't?
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: I am a hot buff bear! and I am funny in bed!! :-)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Sure, you should see her page
Is she gay?: Arn't we all?
You sound like a fun guy. take care and thanks for hosting such a neat page. DJoe

Aaron & Eric Happel - 12/11/97 21:28:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: Yahoo Miami
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Yep!!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: Yes.... of course... with a site URL of ...... everyone knows!!
Is she gay?: Nope.
Cool Site
Make sure you check out ours!!

Aaron & Eric

Kelly - 12/04/97 06:55:43
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: from
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Of course, your fucking hot
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: yes, because I am too
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: shes looking over my shoulder now
Is she gay?: NO
Hot man, too damn bad your on the other side of the freaking country....

OceanBear - 11/12/97 20:11:29
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: you told me to!
Hey, buddy! Sounds like you have had an interesting life...I really enjoyed the site...And I want that United States Poster!!!!! Later, OB

Stephen Nesbit - 11/10/97 23:13:07
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/siliconvalley/park/8910
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: You told me =o)
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: Sex..maybe..and if I did..because you seem to have a very warm and pleasant personality..and I'm drawn to that. Not to mention're one o the best looking bears I've met.
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: Why? Because it would be a new experience to have sex with me =o)
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: YUP.
Is she gay?: Nope..but I wish she was.
hello there =o) You and you're man are very very cute =o) Wish that I could meet you guys someday! Stephen. MtnCub-

Ivana Sukyacoqov - 11/06/97 03:09:09
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/village/4645
How did you get here?: From your duestbook entry
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: no, you smell of squid
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: but of course
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: yes
Is she gay?: no
Leave our Olga alone!!!!! We will not let her defect!!!!! She belongs on the team, and we won't let her go!!!

Tim Holloway - 10/28/97 18:13:20
My URL:any day now....
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: bear roulette
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: WOOF!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: what's not to like?
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: she just sighs and gives me "The Look"
Is she gay?: not anymore, turned straight after she had me
nice site...very nice pictures...(take me now! one or both)...grin Visiting the midwest anytime soon?

Tu Papi - 10/22/97 14:19:52
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/~fxbear
My Email:[email protected]
How did you get here?: I got here from Uranus
Do you want to have sex with me? Why?: YES....Cause your the most Handsome, Witty,Intelligent, Sexy, WOOFY, (should I continue) Man I Know!!!!!
Would I want to have sex with you? Why?: YES....Cause I'm TU Papi Chulo Y Caliente Y Sabroso (should I Continue?)... the Most Important reason...Que Te Amo Mucho!
Does your mother know you surf gay websites?: YES
Is she gay?: NO....She doesnt like Pussy of any kind!
Tu Tienes buen gusto en el Website Y con los Hombres. El Website es tan extraornario como tu Novio esta buenisimo!!!!!!

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