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Part One -- The Inspiration

Like a lot of us, Dee always had a bit of vanity. Pictures in the fashion magazines, TV (no pun intended), and other places always made her feel a bit envious. Shopping in the mall, years ago, she looked at some of the "before" and "after" pictures in a Glamour Shots shop.

A chat with the receptionist and a makeup artist made the scheme seem practical, and the artist seemed more than willing to undertake the challenge of making this "drab" character into something much more glamourous.

Unfortunately, before an appointment could be scheduled, the artist was transferred to a new store in a new mall and Dee's alter ego and family were transferred half a continent away. The idea, however, like the melody, lingered on...

Part Two -- The Inspiration Revisited

Dee's alter ego was shopping in a mall near her new home, and he glanced at the pictures on display in the window of a not-open shop. Glamour Shots had converted this window into a gallery of great shots of young and old, male and female portraits. A note said you should stop by the Glamour Shots store and vote for your favorites in each category.

When he stopped by, he found himself chatting with the Receptionist (sorry, baseball fans, "deja-vu all over again" just comes to mind here!) and he filled out the ballot form. From the pictures on display, he knew the shop did mens' portraits, but that's not what he wanted. While chatting, the receptionist (and sales girl) asked whether he'd ever wanted his portraits taken, perhaps for a gift or something.

She showed him several styles of male portraits -- and when none of them caught his fancy, she asked what he had on his mind. (dum dum DUM dum -- just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...)

Dee was hidden, but she was beginning to get control of her alter ego and this opportunity! She made him indicate a really nice auburn hair, green eyes female portrait in the display book in the hall. Worse yet, this one had a before picture that wasn't too far away from how the her alter ego looked that evening. "Would you consider a portrait of me, in a style like this?" he was forced to ask. Imagine how Dee's heart leapt (and her alter ego's mind began to worry) when she asked the makeup artist to come over, and after a brief chat, they said "Yes, we'd be glad to. When can you come in?"

"Would you (asking the artist) be doing the makup?" he asked? Her affirmative answer helped calm him, and led to the next part of the discussion.

"Do you have some particular things you want to wear in your pictures, or use some of ours?" she asked. "You get four poses in each of four outfits, so we have some flexibility here."

Dee, through her alter ego, answered that she had several outfits in mind, but perhaps the best thing to do was to meet for a consultation a few days before the makeover and portrait sitting. Given this, a date about a week and a half away was set for the consultation and two days later the portraits would be taken. CLICK here to turn the page

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