Well, that about says it all, don't you think?

I know it takes everyone different amounts of time to work through this issue . . . for some, there is no obvious conflict and they simply disregard the virulent attacks from fundamentalists who say that gay people cannot also be Christian. But, of course there are also those who were raised with fundamentalist beliefs that suddenly find themselves questioning what they have believed their whole lives and now must rethink this issue.

Also, there are different conclusions one can reach. Some simply toss religion aside as irrelevant for their lives. And, unfortunately, there are some who reach the position that they must forever reject their sexuality in order to remain a Christian, either living a celebate life or suppressing the sexuality that is normal for them and taking on the heterosexual role demanded by their chosen denomination.

Fortunately, there is a growing number of Christian denominations who have come to realize that there is no conflict between following Christ and being true to one's own natural sexuality. Most modern scholars of the Bible now admit that the original texts, often cited as pronouncements against homosexuality, could not have been speaking about homosexuality as we know it today. Jesus, the central figure of the Christian faith, said nothing about homosexuality and he, judging by his actions that are recorded, would have been accepting and affirming towards people of homosexual orientation.

If you are seeking answers to these questions yourself, I would like to point you to some resources for your study and contemplation:

Internet Resources for Gay Christians

The Bibble Pages
The Bibble (no, it isn't mis-spelled) Pages is an eclectic collection of gay information that is worth perusing.

These are the books from our library which investigate religion and homosexuality that we have found helpful and recommend highly.

Both Undernet and EFNet have chat groups for Gay Christians and their home page contains a wealth of information waiting to be mined.

Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns is a source of diverse information. The Presbyterian Church (USA) is currently embroiled in a fierce battle over the full inclusion (or exclusion, depending upon your view) of its Gay members so there is lots of fresh material here.

Queer Resources: Religion
The Queer Resources Directory is an excellent source of information on a number of subjects. This link takes you directly to the 'Religion' section.

Sin & the Sodomites
This is a critical review by Deacon Maccubbin of the passages of the Bible usually used to justify persecution of gay people. It is found on the Bibble Pages (listed above), but I think it is especially noteworthy so I list it specifically here.

A short list of videotapes covering Gay Christian topics.

Our own denomination, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, has only recently begun to debate the issue of homosexuality as it pertains to full participation in the church (as in ordination of ministers and elders). Texas (my spouse and an ordained elder) wrote a brief essay "How does my homosexuality influence my spirituality?" in response to a negative article published in our denomination's monthly magazine. He submitted it to the Cumberland Presbyterian mailing list and the responses have been largely favorable.

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