Reading and collecting books is one of our major interests. A significant portion of our collection consists of books either dealing with gay topics or of interest to gay people (such as novels with gay characters).

As time allows (and our collection grows), I am creating a sort of annotated bibliography here of our books that should be of interest to other gay people.

Book Subject Categories

Click on a category to view the titles.
Adventure / Action / War (fiction)
Biography (memoirs, diaries, journals, life experiences)
Culture, History, or Sociology * NEW *
Fiction (general) * NEW *
Mystery (fiction) * NEW *
Science fiction
Spirituality and Religion
Western fiction * NEW *

If you notice that some of the books that appear with the annotation of "* NEW *" have actually been pubished for a number of years, it is because we were building this collection of books more than a decade before I began creating this "online" booklist. I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever add the "final" book to this list, but the real purpose is to share a list of books that we have found interesting and helpful to us.

Also, many of the books listed here are currently out of print. And yet, out of print books can often be found in used book stores, library discard sales, and garage sales. We rarely pass up the opportunity to scour used book stores looking for titles published a decade or more back that we have not even heard of, or that we have heard of but still need to add to our personal collection.

Many of the books I list are now available in inexpensive paperback editions. If your local bookstore does not carry these titles (or will not order books for you), try:

search for and order books online (often at a significant discount)

153 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011-4116, (800) 343-4002

1625 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009, (800) 621-6969

(Lambda Rising alledgedly has a 'virtual store' on America Online but it is only accesssible for AOL members. You might try sending them email at [email protected])

Also, don't overlook your local public or college library as a source for relevant books.

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