Thanks for visiting. I hope you were entertained or educated. Please sign my guestbook and tell me where you are from. Thanks.
HJL (Henry) - 12/14/00 22:01:27
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Norfolk UK
Age (decade): 45
Gender: male
Orientation: straight/married
Favorite nude beach: several different

Enjoyed reading your site. More power to your elbow

Bolair - 12/01/00 23:44:22
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: oklahoma city
Age (decade): 63
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: ltr

i lived in Ft Lauderdale for 17 years and did not ever meet any one as handsome as you fuck you are cute

Hans - 08/10/00 04:33:02
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: south-korea
Age (decade): 43
Gender: male
Orientation: Asia

very good guy !

ilvlthr - 08/04/00 11:10:25
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: CT
Age (decade): 40s
Orientation: gay

Hello'we have corresponded already regarding my upcoming gelding, probably by you. I'll be in touch for more info and I will get you a picture of me. Gary

STUMP LOVER - 06/25/00 06:49:18
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/noballs4me
Locale: Sydney
Age (decade): 40s
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: taken
Favorite nude beach: obelisk

WOW.When I first found your story and photographs on the web a few months ago I was staggered.Here was a man who spoke openly about his castration and published photos.I make no secret about my wish to be castrated,it is tattooed into various parts of my ody.I have two friends who are castrated but they dont advertise the fact, only when nude swimming. Good luck

BRAD IVY - 06/18/00 23:03:49
My Email:[email protected]
Age (decade): 40
Gender: MALE
Orientation: DEBATEABLE
Taken/looking: LOOKING
Favorite nude beach: LONG AGO AND FAR AWAY


BRAD IVY - 06/18/00 23:00:18


Llarreed - 06/06/00 19:48:12
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: No,Cal
Age (decade): 46
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Taken/looking: yea
Favorite nude beach: wholer bridge


paul again - 05/26/00 03:36:40
My Email:see below

i have to respect you for your courage to "come out" in a different way...society lives is such judgement...more power to you...something inside of me was the same way when i first became aware of s&m...the door to curiousity was opened... nd i havent looked back..but i dont think i'll go there...and i do think you are a 10 too..WOOFF!!!!!

paul - 05/26/00 03:26:25
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: fort lauderdale Florida
Age (decade): 1957
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: single
Favorite nude beach: haulover/blacks beach


Neutron - 05/25/00 23:48:16
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: West Palm Beach
Age (decade): 40 something
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Taken/looking: Looking
Favorite nude beach: any

I found the New Times story was quite intriguing. I though I was the only one with those thoughts!

Jeff - 04/14/00 13:49:13
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/tutnkmn/castrati.html
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Columbus, Ohio
Age (decade): 33
Gender: eunuch
Orientation: none
Taken/looking: n/a
Favorite nude beach: n/a

Hello Gelding and everyone, I just read the article in GQ - cool!! Keep up the good work and thanks for getting us some recognition in the world.

marek-zeynel - 04/11/00 19:02:13
My Email:aolcut68skin
Locale: germany
Age (decade): 32
Gender: testicles
Orientation: gay

hi gelding, i often visit your homepage - it is wonderful. i really admire your coolness, which you show in your history and your pics with no sac. you are a absolutely great castrated man, but why aren't you circumcised? so long, zeynel

kyle - 04/09/00 02:05:56
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: phila
Age (decade): 36
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: looking

hi i saw you in GQ and i was really taken with you so i needed to learn more about you .you are a really great guy to be so honest about your castration in print .not many men would have been so open and have there pic in the mag too. i am really glad you in luded your pic your really cute. i will visit your site for updates kyle

Barry T - 04/01/00 00:56:03
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Phoenix
Age (decade): 40
Orientation: Bi

You hunky stud! Thanks for your openness about your life. You're one daddy I could fall for. More pix, please?

William West - 03/09/00 07:08:57
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Oregon
Age (decade): 60's
Gender: Male
Orientation: Hetro


chuck dalton - 03/08/00 01:01:43
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: tenn
Age (decade): 45
Gender: male
Taken/looking: looking

saw your page very intense..

Domina D.Vyne - 02/18/00 10:10:01
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Ontario, Canada
Age (decade): 29 - 1971
Gender: female
Orientation: hetro/bi
Taken/looking: open relationship
Favorite nude beach: Wreck Beack (B.C.)

Just wanted to stop in to say thanks a million for all your helpful insights and clarity on the subject of castration. I know My 200 questions must have been somewhat comical, and annoying at the same time - But I do truly appreciate your having taken th time, energy and honesty to have answered them all for Me. You are a true treasure, and a gift. My thanks again for your patience and tolerance, and most of all for opening My mind to the possibilities. I was becoming more than slightly dis-enchanted ith every hard-on on the planet being stuck in My face ... I'm thinking there may be a solution to the dilemma after all!! And you, dear kind soul have been instrumental in My finding that answer, in a non-sexually biased and understanding manner. When find someone who craves to be gelded as much as I crave not having male hormones shoved in My face you can be SURE I'll be taking a vacation ... If you'd have the time to accomadate. XxoxX Domina D.Vyne XxoxX

Axel - 02/07/00 07:32:12
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Dresden/Germany
Age (decade): 31

It`s a very nice homepage! With best regards from germany, AXEL

John maxwell - 02/02/00 19:58:45
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Lacey, WA.
Age (decade): Just 28 y/o
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: looking
Favorite nude beach: S.F./Evergreen St. coll.

Have read your entire biography, right to left, inside & out. Greatly intrigued seeks advice/(?) a eunuch to talk to... Considers himself a "cub" loves older stable men, not interested in his own castration but intrigued about others who have, may be eve introducing/ meeting some... Naturally ltr oriented, into nothing really painful at all.

Neal - 01/13/00 03:06:15
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: PA
Age (decade): 49
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: taken

I am thinking that castration may be the solution. I often let my balls do my thinking and need to get my life under control. I get horny, over agressive and then lose control and end up in dangerous situation

LiveManCam - 12/25/99 18:14:31
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: NYC $ Florida
Age (decade): Scorpio
Gender: Testicles
Orientation: Gay
Taken/looking: Getting Looked At
Favorite nude beach: Miami

See Me Live On My Web Cam And Hear Me In The ONLY M4M VOICE Chat Room On The Net.

Hank - 12/15/99 21:27:57
Locale: Lake Tahoe, Ca
Age (decade): 48
Gender: male with desire to loose my nuts
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: looking
Favorite nude beach: just east of Sand Harbor

Your story and the fact that you are putting it on the webb makes me so hot I could come with little effort. I wish more people were so open. Thanks for the experience.

Tgrhrt - 12/12/99 11:28:52
My Email:[email protected]
Locale: Idaho
Age (decade): 38
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Taken/looking: looking
Favorite nude beach: Blacks beach

I have a castration fantasy as well, it is obsessive to say the least, please e-mail me and tell me that my nuts are yours! I saw your pictures without nuts. that was very ballsy and Hot! Have you ever castrated another man?


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