The Rainbow Bridge
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The Rainbow Bridge

Queer Resources Page

Lesbian and Gay Law Notes - includes back issues of this newsletter on legal issues concerning lesbians and gays.
National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law, The - devoted exclusively to legal issues affecting lesbians, gay men and bisexuals.
San Francisco Human Rights Commission - investigates and mediates discrimination complaints, advocates human and civil rights, resolves community disputes, and more.
Texas Human Rights Foundation - works to end discrimination based upon sexual orientation and HIV status through impact litigation, public education and legal services. Includes info on lesbians and gays and the law.
Thomasson v. Perry Document Retreival Site - documents relating to the first "as applied" constitutional challenge of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
index - Queer Legal Resources on the Net
Clan Blue Feather - gay group in the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. that encourages and facilitates research on homosexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Coming To Terms - history of lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender students at Stanford. Includes historical information about queer life on the San Francisco Peninsula.
execution of justice - play by Emily Mann about the murder of Harvey Milk. Divisionary Theater, San Diego: October 4 - November 24, 1996. Site includes lots of historical info about Milk.
Famous Arty Fairy Folk - guide to places where famous queers in history have stayed at in Brighton and Hove.
Gay History, Culture, Writings - includes articles dealing with gay history, culture and humor.
Gay Medieval History - paper with emphasis on the position of large aggregates of human beings [ie cities and monasteries] as a necessary but not sufficient pre-condition for homosexual sub-cultures.
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual History
Glimpses of Our History - chronological listing of lesbian high points in history.
Historical Geographies of Gay Lexington - a Ph.D student's research on African Americans, and lesbians and gays history in this town.
History/Herstory - courtesy of The Other Queer Page, includes gay, lesbian, and bisexual history links.
Images from the 1993 National March on Washington - for lesbian, gay and bi-sexual rights.
Lancaster County Gay History
Lesbian & Gay History Month
Our Boston Heritage: Public Faces/Private Lives - collects information related to local LGBT history, which is included as part of a permanent archives organized by Our Boston Heritage.
Planet SOMA in the 1970s - retrospective look at the city during the first "Sexual Revolution" by one who missed it...
Queer History - some photos of relevance to l/g/ history.
Rainbow Flag, The - history of the flag designed by Gilbert Baker, representing the six colors of the rainbow as a symbol of gay and lesbian community pride.
Tides of Men - documentary on the lives of gay men in British Columbia, Canada from 1936 to the present.
Turing, Alan - important gay man who helped design the first computer and developed an early computer that cracked military codes.
Uncle Donald's castro Street Gallery - a picture gallery and stories about San Francisco's castro Street and gay community during the late 1970's and early 1980's including Harvey Milk, the first openly gay San Francisco Supervisor