There was a time when I just couldn't stand myself. I don't know where that came from, really. Perhaps all the mixed feelings I was having during my "coming out" period as well as the emotions that my relationships and childhood memories brought out in me, caused this self-loathing. Though I've always basically been a good person, for a while and even sometimes now I seem to have this unexplainable "Mr. Hyde" personality casting a shadow on my soul. This poisonous side of my personality only comes out when I've been drinking more than I should or when someone REALLY makes me mad. Believe me, it's not a pretty sight. What follows may or may not be my own words but are all thoughts and emotions that have run through my mind at one time or another. I welcome your thoughts, quotes, stories, and poems. Who knows, maybe I'll find a personal connection with them and run them on my page. For the meantime, enjoy...


The Beginning of the End
True Life
The Dance of a Stranger
A Poem for Jennifer
Living Blind
A Poem for Heather
Lost at Sea
Purple Love
Distant Heart
Invisible Pain
Forgotten Souls
Little Lost Girl


Janis' Shadow

I'd love for you to contribute your own emotional masterpiece:

The Beginning of the End

Bombs as big as airplanes
Buildings reduced to ashes
Lives are suddenly torn apart
The world stops to mourn

Hatred has a face now
The dust begins to clear
Life becomes more precious
Civilized countries unite as one

A Great War has been waged
Missiles destroy it all
Our way of life becomes a memory
The world ends in the name of redemption

True Life

Love Hurts
Hatred Rules
Racism Lives
Humans are Fools
Anarchy Hidden
Destruction runs Wild
People are Heartless
An unwanted Child
No way Out
This world is Forgotten
Suicide is Hope
Hearts turned Rotten
Silence is Broken
Need to get High
Darkness Forever
Blackens the Sky
Fear can be Seen
Black roses Reside
Surrounded by Shadows
Confusion Inside
Life's too Short
Singing societies Song
Death is Beauty
Living gone Wrong...

The Dance of a Stranger

Dancing around in strangers clothing
I laugh with you all, while secretly loathing
the childish charade that I must uphold
abandoning my pearls for a necklace of gold
I hear your voice, those monstrous words unleashed
directed at others, but it's my soul they reached
Reaking havoc inside me, tearing me apart
all because we have a difference of heart
What my lips yearn to bring forth, you will never hear
for you have managed to make things all too clear
that I am wrong, and your views are right
My spirit is growing weak, I can't continue this fight
So good ridance to all who have danced with me here
Singing nothing but songs filled with ignorance and fear
I am off to a place where all that feels good is right
to set my battered soul free, far away from your bite
With my broken string of pearls clutched tightly in my fist
I skip towards the light, and am welcomed by a kiss
we melt itno each other, and only then do I see
that this wonderful soul, looks exactly like me...

A Poem for Jennifer

I never know what to make of "us"
is this a love that in time I'll trust?
One moment a future so promising and bright
a few harsh words and again it's lost from sight
Is there an end to this cycle of love and despair?
Are we a match made in hell, or the perfect pair?
I know it's never easy when it comes to matters of the heart
and the last thing I want is for us to ever part
But my love thrives with each gentle word and soft kiss
my heart has since wilted, all those "little" things I miss
Hold me tight in your arms, let this love bloom once more
let us walk hand in hand through eternity's door
For I love you, dear Jennifer, that much is true
and I want this to work, but I'm not sure what more to do
Now my heart grows heavy and the tears run free
can't hide it anymore, this feeling inside me
Remembering the days when I was your world
how exciting it was to be your girl
And maybe we're beyond the innocence of a love that is fresh
but is it really to much to expect any less?

Living Blind

Living behind bars, all but one
Hear me call, see me run
Are there more like me, what am I like?
I can't really remember, I've been kept out of sight
Who holds the key, I must let out this rage
I've been pent up too long in societies cage
Are you trying to know me, do you hear my voice?
Just as I thought, you've been left with no choice
You can only see what I allow you to see
and that, my friend, is defenitely not me
Perhaps the whole world is living blind
Unaware of each other, opting for scripted lines
So here I stand before you, wherever that may be
Looking inside you, and searching for me...

A Poem for Heather

She comes to me at night
while the world is asleep
Visions of yesterday
my soul she will keep
Long moonlight kisses
reuniting in the park
Just a few of many memories
keeping me awake here in the dark
I thought it would get easier
but the months continue to drag on
And still I sit here waiting
for this night to meet dawn
My friends are now against this
they say my chance has past
I'm not ready to move on yet, though
for in my heart, she must last
If everybody's meant for somebody
then why am I alone?
Why couldn't she have come at a time
when I was ready, and would have known
Of the love that she encompassed
that would penetrate through my core
I didn't see it clearly then
and now she's locked the door
So sweet one if you're listening
please know my heart is true
I will wait forever and a day
for just one more moment with you...

Lost at Sea

From out of nowhere you came to me
You, the watchtower light. Me, drowing in her sea
For a brief moment I found myself climbing upon your shore
Warm sand beneath my feet, such passion filling my core
But a wirlwind romance, was all that we�d ever know
And then without warning, back to the waves I�d go
Perhaps one stormy night the tides will bring me back here
You, still shining bright. Me, no longer filled with fear

Purple Love

I'm eighteen and considered an adult now
full of confusion, I don't know how
to live this life, so why go on?
What's the use of pretending to be someone else's pawn
But this passion I hold, I call it purple love
keeps me sane, and raises me above
the crowd, I stand anticipating
the perfect society, without the hating
Please, oh why can't we all get along?
Nakedness, truth, peace, and song
You've living in a dream world, they all insist
But I know the truth, purple love is bliss...

Distant Heart

Sometimes I get lonely, and I wonder where you are
if I'm still your one and only, or have the miles stretched too far
And I know I shouldn't worry, and just let fate have its way
but still this heart sinks lower, with each passing day
And it's not that I need to see you, just your voice I long to hear
to find out about your day - your week, all you laughter and your tears
Yet the phone remains silent, another week has past us by
two lives divided, making me wonder why I even try
But when I least expect it, that's when the phone call always comes
giving me another moment of hope, allowing this anxiety to numb
But there's only so much this heart can take, before it will turn away
looking for things you couldn't find time to give, still part of me wanting to stay
Do you even know you're hurting me, more than I have to be?
Would it take me walking away, for you to truly see?
And I hate to say it but I'm at that point, just waiting for one last sign
but sadly I have to say, I think I've given you too much time...


An unexplainable need for power
for possession, for something to call my own
An unexcusable desire for pain
on you, and on the monster within
The intensity builds, fueled by anxiety and anger
for what, I do not know
but that shadowy image conjuring up thoughts without proof
nothingness, surrealness, is it all just an excuse?
I hate myself, I over-love myself
I want to hide, I need to be seen
I tell the truth, but they're nothing but lies
Oh, what the hell does this all mean?
I want to shake you, for loving me
push you away, make you see
that the love in my heart is thinning dry
slowly sifting though hatred
Just his bloody sins disguised...


Experimentation, the drug of choice
for the confused and the weak
A need to rise above this world
only to fall below 6 feet
Friendship comes and lovers go
but none with such a bang
as the one that challenges the mind
and tricks the body, now craving pain
Inhaling its breath, sucking it dry
becoming one with yourself
it's all a game to keep them out
with nothing to lose but what is already dead
With intensity rising, there's no turning back
the colours have entered your soul
trapped in the corpse of endless desire
all emotions have taken their toll
A body trembling, a heart screaming, false tears all around
the colour drains, another soul is lost
with only ashes left to be found


Little lost girl, nowhere to run
too big for mommy's arms, too small for this world
constant confusion, life's moving too fast
needs to slow down, losing sight of her past
once an "everyday angel", now just another lost soul
slipping away, routine's taking it's toll
last bits of hope, gripped tightly with fear
that nothing will come of it, that no one will hear
her angel's song, feel her heavenly embrace
a scared little girl, with an adults face...


A shiver ran through her body, but Janis continued to lie there. The lone bedsheet was draped carelessly over her thighs, failing to protect her from the cool breeze that drifted past her drapes. What was it that Nicole had said earlier, Janis wondered. She glanced up at the Mickey Mouse clock that hung on the wall above her bed. It was only 9:20. Nicole wouldn't be calling until sometime after 10. Janis had been waiting all day to talk to her friend, and knew that another hour wouldn't make much of a difference. Even still, a small groan managed to push across her lips.
Janis focused in on Mickey's big hand as it continued to tick slowly by each second. As usual, that clock brought a smile to her face and with it, a flood of memories. Looking up at it, Janis saw much more than a faded white Disney clock. Suddenly, Nicole's earlier words flashed through Janis' mind. "Live in the future, hon. The past is just a bunch of dead memories". "Dead memories, eh? Then perhaps I died along with them," Janis mumbled. The young woman closed her eyes in defeat.
The past seemed so carefree. Thinking back, it almost seemed to be some sort of fantasy world. It was a world where days were filled with laughter and endless fun, with the odd tear quickly whisked away by the comfort of a mother's hug. More importantly, it was a time when hiding and pretending were nothing more than games.
Everything changed when Janis became a teenager. All of a sudden everything seemed to become too complicated. Life began to move faster. People turned colder. The world grew larger. Admist all of this, Janis lost sight of herself. She began to look towards her childhood memories as a place of retreat. Within seconds, the coldness would melt and the restraints would loosen, giving way to a new feeling of innocence, freedom, and unlimited time. She had made it her own private haven, made up of the games that she had played, the ordeals she had overcome, and the people and places which had come and gone. It allowed her to go back to a time when being herself was not a bad thing, much less an issue at all. Janis wasn't thinking really, more like drifting. There was nothing she wanted more than to remember. She yearned to be herself. It had been too damn long.
Nicole understood everything. She was a few years younger and could act like a typical kid every now and then, but somehow Nic seemed older. She always seemed to have something interesting to say and was constantly trying to figure people out. But with Janis, there was nothing to figure out. Nicole only had to listen.
A tear trickled down her cheek. Even with no one around Janis still felt awkward, embarrassed almost. Imagine being nineteen, and crying about practically nothing. Janis knew her life seemed perfect. Maybe for some people it could be just that. But for Janis, perfect was what it used to be. Good marks and awards didn't matter. Accomplishments like that were just distractions, and would surely be forgotten in the future.
How many others are out there, she wondered. Like me...only going through the motions of life. Nothing but empty aching hours confined to their own silent legacy. If only she could find the strength in her heart. Janis threw her hand violently across her chest. It was only 9:35.
Growing bored, Janis allowed her eyes to wander the bedroom aimlessly. It was funny, she thought, how the tiny room seemed to be hidden away from the rest of the world and almost didn't feel real. She had once read that individuals are like a mirage, just a mere shade of reality. She had laughed at the thought, becoming more confused each time she read the sentence. Maybe it wasn't meant to be understood. However, lying there thinking about it in the dark, Janis came to the conclusion that perhaps that one sentence held the only real truth to this life. The truth being that nothing is as it seems, and therefore nothing is real. "And if I am not real," Janis whispered, "than what do I matter?"
Tired of the dark, Janis sat up and reached over to her nightstand. She fumbled along the shaft of the light fixture looking for the switch. The movements of her fingers made the lamp squeak. It was a dreadful noise. She was preoccupied lately, with bigger things on her mind. Janis promised herself once again that she'd find the time to fix the lamp. That was the problem. Time had complete control over everyone's life. The clock now read 9:49.
The light gleamed off her purple notebook. It was on her dresser where she always left it each night. What first had possessed her to write in that journal, Janis would never know. Somehow she found strength in opening its pages, and filling up its lines. It allowed the young woman to confront her feelings. It helped Janis understand herself a bit more. There were no walls in this places...just her.
She began to leaf through some of her earlier entries. A smile swept across her face at the sight of herself. The part of "herself" that was usually kept hidden. Always one to follow, and definitely not one to lead, Janis saw herself as somewhat of a dancing stranger. That part of her was not someone that she respected, much less enjoyed pretending to be. Hidden inside was a part of Janis that continued to exist, but never really felt alive.
With Nicole, there was no such thing as pretending. That's why Janis looked forward to their nightly talks. Sometimes the conversation would last for hours. Actually, Janis thought, most times they lasted for at least two. Her excitement was getting the best of her, as Janis eyed the telephone. She longed for it to ring. She gently placed the book back onto the dresser, deciding to leave it open.
She hadn't checked the time for quite a few minutes, though the constant ticking was very tempting.

Tick...tick...tick... Once again she glanced up at the clock. Tick...tick...tick... It was after ten. Closer to half passed. Tick...tick...tick... She curled her hand around the receiver in anticipation. Tick...tick...tick...

Finally, the telephone rang. Janis bit her lip, as she slowly picked up the phone. She wanted to make the moment last. Mostly, she didn't want to sound too eager. Forcing the quivers back into her heart, Janis answered the phone. Hearing Nicole's soothing voice on the other end, Janis smiled. She felt warm now, and was oblivious to the breeze winding through her room. Janis kicked the bedsheet off of her. Her naked body turned slightly, moving her eyes away from the clock. The young woman took a deep breath and finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Janis began to talk.

MUSIC: Mellon Collie and the Infinate Sadness - Smashing Pumpkins

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