It's my crazy life, welcome to it...

This is for all of you out there who have made it through my dozen or so pages and STILL want to know the trivial facts that I swore I wouldn't share. Well, I've decided that since this homepage was to be a reflection of who I was inside and out, then I must include the trivialties. To leave them out would be to hide one of the key pieces that make up my lifes puzzle. I've left this page for the end, so that those who didn't really care about who I was (inside and out) would get bored with my inner workings before reaching the information that they desired. Ironically, most of you who were interested in my 'inner' self will probably be bored with this page. Either way, thanks for humouring me...*hehee*...

These are a few of my favourite things...
Number: Six, but my lucky number is 3
Color: Blue and the significance I've placed on purple
Celebration: Toronto Pride! It's better than Christmas!
Book: To Kill a Mockingbird and Soulwork
Singer: Carole Pope, Janis Joplin, and Jewel
Music: Late 60's/early 70's, and early-mid 80's
Date: Standing on the shores of Lake Erie, kissing a girl with Blue Rodeo playing live in the background
Second best date: Surprising a girl with a picnic dinner, reading her tarot, and then later cuddling together while watching over the lake
Sport: Softball, pool, and hackey-sack
Best concert: Seeing REM play live and free on the streets of Toronto
Favourite possession: All the romantic keepsakes I've acquired over the years from various girlfriends
Future car: Vintage Volkswagon Van (like the Partridge Family!)
Hobby: Writing, partying, hackey sack, falling in and out of love...
Mentor: My mother, my friend Nicky, and whoever actually follows their dreams and doesn't allow themselves to get 'stuck'
Inspirational Message: The Starfish Parable (ie. Help make a difference in this world, one person at a time)
Religion: Whatever gets you through this life. I was raised Catholic, but I do not personally believe in organized religion. I believe myself to be quite spiritual, noneoftheless.
Time: Spending a month by myself in Florida (1997), reflecting and regrouping in order to reclaim my life and start smiling again

The bare necessities...
Name: Lauren Patricia Buck
Birth Sign: Aquarius
Birthdate: February 12, 1977
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Depends on the week! Naturally brunette, but usually pink!
Height: 5'7
Weight: 124 lbs
Background: I was born in Canada, but my ancestors are German-Jamaican
Currently live: 20 minutes outside of Toronto, Canada
Orientation: Lesbian extrordinaire!
Elementary School: St. Francis Xavier
High School: Cardinal Leger (91-93)
St. Thomas Aquinas (93-95)
Field of Study: Three year Journalism-Print course at Humber College (95-98)
Currently in the three year Computer Programming course at Seneca College

MUSIC: Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes