Others who keep me smiling...

Vince...For somebody that I've never met in person, he defenitely has a monopoly on my thoughts! We met back in the fall of 1995 in a chatroom on the internet. He's such a sweet guy...very very shy and quite bashfull, and has such a lovely english accent! We had an internet romance that lasted from October/November until the end of March 1996, but luckily our friendship has outlasted our chatting days. We don't write or call each other very often anymore, but I have a feeling that we'll probably continue to pop in and out of each others thoughts and lives in the future...and I swear one day I will get my self over to England to meet you Vincent! *smile*

Christy...One of my kids, er, my younger group of friends! She's pretty damn awesome. Seriously, she was a huge help for me back when Heather and I broke up because she totally knew where I was coming from because she was going through pretty much the same thing. My fondest memory with Chris...New Years 1998. Originally(before the breakup), I had planned to ask Heather to marry me that New Years, so I obviously didn't go to the party in the best mood. But Christy totally got me smiling and I'll never forget how at midnight the two of us left the party and headed outside to verbally proclaim our resolutions...vowing to look upon our past relationships as learning experiences and fond memories but to allow ourselves to move forth and find love again. That was totally her idea, and I don't think she could possibly know just how much her being there cheering me up that night,something so small, means to me. Unfortunately, Christy chose to leave behind all of her friends a couple of years ago, including me. Although she lives around the corner, I've only seen her from a distance on a few occasions. Although I'm still hurt, I'm still here for her if she ever needs me.

Faiza...My pool buddy....my drinking buddy...a fellow 'player'...my mentor. She's taught me everything I know about playing a wicked game of pool (though most times I sit back and just ride her coat tails and get the chance to be on the winning team, catching the respect and eyes of all the girls around us!). She's awesome...always been there for me, to listen to me rant and rave or just hear and laugh at the details of my latest soap opera life adventure. *giggle* Can't wait, chick, until the reinvention of 'Lipsticks'(lesbian strip club) and to start our search for the ever-beautiful Violet. *wink* Stay cool, babe...

Sandra...For many years Sandra and I had little in common except for drinking and partying, but somewhere along the way we got beyond the "surface" relationship and although I still find her hard to place in the grand scheme of things, I just know that she's a really really good friend and I love her to death. If nothing else, we can always count on each other for a good time EVERY Saturday whether it be our old days partying at Zoo bar, or our current drunken excursions to The Rock. And of course, I'll never forget our 10 day Florida trip this past summer! I'll do a shot of Tequilla with you anyday, baaabbbyyy...*giggle*...

Gavi...This girl is one of THE coolest chicks I know. Five years ago, at the beginning of our friendship, we dealt with a few odd twists and turns that normally would have soured a friendship. Somehow we got through it all...wound up being next door neighbors...drinking (and spilling!) lots of "beverages" together...sharing in some odd and unfortunatley unforgetable memories (can we say 'Gravenhurst'?)...and finally arriving at what we have now - a friendship that I can always count on for a good time and a friend that has such an innocent and wonderfully refreshing outlook on life...

Gloria...We began as a long distance relationship, and now years later we share a long distance friendship. Although we don't talk or write very often, and I haven't seen her for over a year - Gloria and I do continue to pop into each other's lives here and there. I miss her, but I have a feeling we'll continue to keep in touch...

There's a hell of a lot more to add to this list...as soon as I get the pictures I'll add them on...

MUSIC: That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick