BestBoy's Recommended Sites

Gabi Clayton's Homepage and Tribute to her son, BillRead Bill's Story; the tragic account of a young life too soon ended. Read the responses, the outpouring of grief-stricken hearts from around the world as they encourage his mother in her efforts to enlighten the world about the horror of hate crimes and gay bashing.
Queer ScreenLearn about Australia's Gay and Lesbian Film Festival held each February in conjunction with the annual Gay Mardi Gras - Pride Aussie Style! They do a great job down under!
PlanetOut: Land On ItA very colorful Commercial gay site.
Wildcat PressIf you've visited my library pages you may have already checked out this link to the home of Patricia Nell Warren, author of The Front Runner.
Homosexual Writers ProjectAn eclectic collection of information about some of the world's most prominent gay writers from the past. Among them, Walt Witman, Gertrude Stein and E.M. Forster.
Wit's End Literary CyberzineThis site is crammed with great stuff for readers and writers alike. Richard Vanaman, Community Leader for my area of West Hollywood, has certainly put together a site that has a lot to offer in the way of creative writing. Check it out for sure.

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If you have or know of a site that might deserve a recommendation, please email and let me know. Please, remember to include the URL.
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