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Billy Sive's

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Adolescence is always one of the toughest periods of human life. For some it is more difficult than others. Awakening sexuality, physical growth, changes in body structure and appearance, horomonal and chemical changes all play a significant role in the journey from child to adult. But for children of gay parents or young people who are uncertain of their sexuality, this period of their lives can be especially frightening.

In Billy's Boy, Patricia Nell Warren examines the early adolescence of John William Heden, born to Billy Sive's lesbian friend by artificial insemination with his sperm. William is a bright kid, interested in science and the stars. He builds his own telescopes and dreams of becoming an astronomer with NASA. He has goals and dreams. But some of his dreams haunt him with images of a father he has never known. William knows only that his father was killed in an incident with a gun, Betsy having made it sound like an accident and refusing to discuss details, even allowing him to think that Heden was his father's last name. She sheltered him from the bitter truth and maintained no ties to the other people from her past who had played a large part in her life and the existence of her son. Avoiding the truth was now becoming a major problem, causing a rift to develop between Betsy and William. When the boy starts his own investigation of his lineage, he finds a paper trail full of holes and his unproductive attempts to have the blanks filled in, by his mother and his own efforts, frustrate him to the point of emotional rebellion.

Billy Sive's

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While trying to discover his roots, William is also discovering his sexuality and developing new relationships and friendships. The closest of these is with the boy next door. Shawn is William's age and also interested in scientific subjects. He too is becoming sexually aware and the boys develop an explorative physical relationship. While many adult men may never admit to 'exploring' homosexual sex during adolescence, it is very often a part of growing up for many boys and young men who ultimately settle on a heterosexual life. In fact, they both took the approach that they were just bonding; no kissing and affection. That would make them queer. This was just friendship sex, as limited as they kept it.

But Shawn's parents were religious fundamentalists and when they began to suspect that Shawn was dabbling in 'sexual sin', they began to punish him with severe beatings to 'beat the devil out of him', and depriving him of William's friendship. The relationship between the two family's quickly goes from weekend camp trips together to police visits and vicious threats of criminal charges. With this development, Betsy finally decides it's time to turn to her old friends for help and she finally allows William to learn the truth about his parents, their lives, lovers and friends; the truth about his conception and birth. And then, some new mysteries develop for him as Shawn's parents pack their son off to an institution for 'disturbed' youth, as William meets Harlan Brown, Vince Matti and other members of his 'extended family'. He is still haunted by his dreams and is worried about his friend.
Billy Sive's

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I am amazed by Patricia's capture of the feelings of today's young people. Certainly, her work with gay youth in the Los Angeles area has given her many insights into the workings of the adolescent mindset. She also approaches the subject of adolescent sex with great care and sensitivity telling a story of deep secret truths without the need for excessive, descriptive narrative that could make this book 'adults only' reading. This is a book for young and old alike. Warren acknowledges the fact of life that kids always, and will forever continue to, examine their budding sexuality, a fact that many parents, even in the nineties, refuse to accept. Patricia is also careful to acknowledge the other facts of life and sexuality that are more important in this age of epidemic and abuse. She has expertly injected warnings about AIDS and other STD's and substance abuse into an honest and frank story about family values and love that should be the hallmark of every family, regardless of it's beliefs, faiths, gender mix or orientation. This is an important book for families; for parents who are gay, for parents who may suspect a gay child, for youth who are gay or may not be sure what they are. While it has a strong gay viewpoint, it shows that gay parents, like all parents, want only the best of life, love and happiness for their children and others.

BILLY'S BOY by Patricia Nell Warren - Wildcat Press ISBN: 0-9641099-4-8
Cover art courtesy of Wildcat Press - Used with permission

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