Di's Page - One of my helpers. Come check out more of her poems.

Writers On The Web -Lohen's another one of my helpers. His site is a place where you will be able to find extensive resources to on-line works

A collection of poems by Writer Kari Crosby

Literary Visionaries - Great site from one of our published poets, Aaron LaFlora. It is a place where authors (already published and up and coming) can get assistance to all kinds of tasks as they write their next or first best seller. He offers literary research, Ms Typing, correspondence services, fax and phone services as a 3rd party buffer between the author and their agent, lawyer or publisher. He will even read chapters as the author finishes them to see how they would read to the average person on the street--critique gently but honestly....His rates are low and always negotiable. Literary Visionaries honestly cares and believes that a writer should be free to do what it is they were meant to do--write...

Website by Panther Richardson, the author of Today's No Day

Got any websites with poetry you think is worth checking out??? Let me know, so I can put a link of it on here!!!

Mail me at [email protected]

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