The Logo

This new Envoy logo was developed by Deanne Kearns in April, 1998. Coming up on our 1 Year Anniversary, I thought it appropriate to make a logo that was ours alone, and not simply chosen from a menu of clipart.
The grainy quality of the logo is meant to convey the belief that our community is made up of individuals. If one "zooms" in on the image in an editing program, you see the specks and pixels become individual and separate, yet joining together in just the right places and combinations to make a coherent, pleasing whole when you once again "zoom" away to view the whole effect.
THE LOGO is the sole property of Envoy Publications and may not be reproduced in any way, or used in association with any other organization, website, promotion, etc, without the prior consent of Deanne Kearns and Envoy Publications. If you would like to use the logo for any purpose, please direct your request to

� 1997 [email protected]
Thank you for your compliance.

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