"The People Connection Island"

As you glide to the ground after a gentle balloon flight from the Main Island, you step off onto a field filled with small brightly colored tents set up in a carnival like setting. Each tent offers a different way for you to be magically transported to a world of others like yourself, connected by telephone wires, modems and mice. (Did you ever think when you were younger that you would be spending so much of your adult life holding on to a little rodent?)

First stop is, of course GEOCITIES! Here you can tour thousands of homepages created by people just like yourself. Neighborhoods of like interests and easy to use HTML editors, even the beginner can use with ease. There is also a chat program and much, much more that Geocities has to offer.

In the next tent, you are taken to a popular search engine YAHOO where you can find anything...and I mean anything...that is out there to be found.

The are many chat programs to be found, but the tent that is shaped like a teepee (yes..Native Americans spell it this way) is the home of POWWOW. This is an easy program to use and has a good history of being reliable. There are numerous tribes you can join, hitching up with users with interests like yourself, or joining a conference with different topics being discussed. All-in-all, one of our favorites.

The tent with the big "H" is HOTMAIL. Here, for FREE, you can get an eMail (I like to spell it that way) address. This is great for those of you that do not have an eMail address, only have a work address or those of you that already have an eMail address but want a second more "private" address. (I won't ask why!) It is easy to join, easy to use and comes in handy every once in a while.

The tent shaped like a log cabin has been set up by the HOMES & LAND company. This real estate magazine, now gone internet, offers listing on home and land for sale all over the country. It is user friendly and makes it fun to sit at home and look what is available for sale on the market. Even if your not looking for a home or land, check it out, there is probably some information on your home town here that you did not know!

Of course, we need to have a fun site for you to visit before leaving for the Main Island once again. Here, we have asked our friends at BEN & JERRY'S ICE CREAM to set up a tent. We knew you were getting a bit hungry and just about no one can pass up Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream! (We know we can't!)