My homepage is published in
Hamburg, Germany.
You will see the interactive park cruiser game
GayPixCruise V3.03
8 male pics galleries
and also feature pages like
Hommage à Barbara ,
Tribute to Chet Baker
In Memory Of James Dean.

Meine Homepage kommt aus dem
Hamburger Stadtpark ;-)
Du findest hier das interaktive park-Cruiser-Spiel
GayPixCruise V3.03,
8 Männerbilder - Galerien
und die Feuilleton-Seiten
Hommage à Barbara ,
Tribute to Chet Baker
In Memory Of James Dean.


more web-sites by Klaus G. park





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Technical Information

GAY park was developed and tested using
MS FrontPage 98, MS Internet Explorer 5,
Netscape Communicator 4.7, and is
best experienced in 800X600 resolution.

Used fontfaces are Verdana (or Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif), Arial and Times New Roman.

Please let me know, if you see any problem on
your discovery of GAY park.
I would like to serve all my visitors with the experience of
my homepage as unspoiled as possible! - Thank you!

Come back! Please bookmark NOW,
further URLs might be changed!

My URL: http://come.to/gaypark

I got it for free at http://come.to

An overview of all my web-sites
and feature pages is available at:


Proud To Be
HunkHunter's Haunts

Gay Webrings


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English / Deutsch









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I know that GAY park is a gay homepage.
I'm old enough and know what I'm doing.

I'm not sure











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Soll ich dich reinlassen?

Ich weiß, daß GAY park 'ne geile schwule Homepage ist. Alt genug bin ich auch und ich weiß sowieso selbst am besten was ich tue.

... da bin ich nicht so sicher ...





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