Marcie's T* links!

Everybody needs to link to somebody and I am no exception.

I'll be building up a list of links over the coming weeks. If you'd like to be included, then please mail me and I'll add yours!


Dalnet's #crossdress hall of fame!
I'm hoping to build up a directory of members from Dalnet's #crossdress IRC channel

Clothes shops for the T* community
Commercial, but worthy

Feed your head!
T* fiction to help get you through the night.

Are you a Transexual? Click to find out...


This is the Dalnet channel which I sometimes hang out in. If you pop in and want to say hi, do it. There's usually a friendly bunch there!

For a really inspirational page why not visit Tara's homepage
This is a truly inspirational site and worthy of a long visit!

Wendy's wonderful web page

Clothes shops for the T* community

CDS Transgender Resource Guide

All below are commercial, but T*-friendly

Lee's Mardi Gras Boutique
Based in New York
Transformations UK
The place to go if you are living in the UK.
Affordable Fantasies
US-based site
A Special Touch Above & Beyond Avante Cosmetics
Best Value TV Clothing and Accessories Breast Forms Corsetry
Cosmetics2 Crossdressing and Transgender products, support, and online tips. Dream Gown
Erotic Screams
Catalogue of the Wicked Twisted and Bizarre
FTM International Mr-Ms Bargain Boutique
Sensuous in Satin Shopping with Kathryn UK Transgendered Yellow Pages

Feed your head!

For me, images are never as powerful as the written word. Fiction, rather than Photos are what make my motor run!

There are many fiction pages around the web, some of my favourites are listed below.

Alliekat's Real Life Transfictions Girltalk  
Nifty TG Archives Tales of Crossdressing Trapped in Silk

I'll be adding more links soon. Please don't forget to call in and visit now and then.

And if you have any comments, please mail me and tell me what you think!

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