Yahoo! GeoCities Member Banner Exchange Info 
Hi! This is my guestbook and it would be sooooo nice if you signed it!

- 12/16/99 21:44:15

Loved your coming out story. I "came out," too. Germaine

Michael B - 10/12/98 00:09:58
My Email:already sent
Country: UK
City: Manchester
Married/Single?: Single

Hey babe, loved your pics. Love to see more of you, but I know geocities don't let you show much more. Gotta tell you, I am so horny looking at your pics. I tink big women are beautiful. I have e-mailed yu seperately to ask you if we can meet. I'd just lo e to get naked next to a sexy body as yours. Mike (horny as hell after seeing your pics)

Cindy - 09/09/98 12:32:36
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

joe - 07/30/98 13:02:18
My Email:[email protected]
Country: usa
City: louisina
Married/Single?: married

hot just dam hot

Brian - 03/10/98 00:38:37
Country: US
City: Chicago
Married/Single?: --

Love the page and U are so hot!

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