T*-related books and more!

T*-related publications

This list was compiled with the help of Alana - a California-based TS who helped me with the reviews.

The list is in now way extensive, nor complete, but it is the best we could do and we are providing it as a guide. If you have a novel or short story that we have missed out, then please mail me and we will try and include it.

The list!

Updated: 8 March 1998

Abnormals Anonymous Stella Gray 1964
People with all kinds of kinky desires form a club.

The Adventures of Olyvia Comic
The first issue of Jabberwocky Graphics' attempt at a Cherry Poptart type comic has a beautiful woman who has gone into the hospital for a sex-change, but apparently just to add some equipment and have "the best of both worlds".

Alien Flesh Seabury Quinn 1977
Story of a young man who, because of a tragic accident, offers to take the place of a young Caucasian girl in a sheik's harem. The offer goes beyond what he had in mind and he winds up in the body of the dead girl.

The story then tells of how he/she comes to except her life and of how she makes her way back to America and falls in love with her best friend. This story was written in the 50's, but wasn't published till after his death and still is enjoyable and in fact holds up better than some of today's writings.

All you Zombies Robert A. Heinlein 1959
Jane begins life with female sexual organs functional to bear a child, but the process is disastrously traumatic to those organs. The surgeons, doing the best they can to salvage something, discover that she also has an undeveloped set of male organs.

They are able to change her into a functional, fertile male.

Then, as a result of the opportunities presented by a mysterious time traveler, Jane goes back in time, rapes herself, and becomes her own father and mother.

Originally published in Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1959.

Blue Angel Nights Margarete von Falkensee 1986
A decadent novel of Germany in the 1920s. The main character, a womanizer, encounters a beautiful TV and his twin sister.

Brother and Sister Michael Nickolay 1979
Suspense thriller about a TS.

Dial P For Pleasure Myron Kosloff 1964
A tv and lesbian novel.

The Fox D.H. Lawrence 1923
A transvestite work published in Four Short Novels.

Branford and March, two "new women" from the city try to run a farm together, but fail when a literal fox attacks their chickens and a figurative fox, in the form of a young soldier, attacks them, first by making love to March and thus disrupting the women's relationship, and later by accidentally-on-purpose felling a tree in such a way that it kills Branford.

Thus the foxy soldier, Henry, and his two vulnerable female opponents, Branford and March, form a love/hate triangle whose tension is resolved only when Henry manages to divest the transvestite March of her male clothing, her female companion, and her autonomous power.

Frank and I Anonymous
A Victorian erotica novel about a wealthy young man who meets "Frank" and takes him in only to learn later that "Frank" is really Frances.

The Identity Marix Jack Chalker 1982
The Earth is invaded by beings who can switch minds with someone just by touching them.

The hero, a middle-aged college professor, is switched first into the body of a 12 year old Native American girl and then that of a beautiful young woman. Although the author denies that this book is "about" sex change, it is certainly the closest of any of his novels.

In Drag Len Harrington 1968
Gene was just a normal married man, till he took a job as a model for - of all things - women's fashions. Then the hidden side of his nature came out.

I Will Fear No Evil Robert A. Heinlein 1970
A wealthy corrupt industrialist's brain is transplanted into a woman's body.

The Left Hand Of Darkness Ursula K. LeGuin 1969
A novel about a world where there are three sexes. A person can choose and change their sex at estrus (period of sexual receptivity). This is a classic and is on most lists of the best SF novels.

Miss High Heels Anonymous
A Victorian erotica novel. Dennis Evelyn Beryl, a young English aristocrat, is transformed under the supervision of his step-sister Helen, into a beautiful young woman.

Myra Breckenridge Gore Vidal 1968
A wild, weird foray into the chasm between the genders and between sanity and insanity. Myra is a sex changer out to take over Hollywood (also a very bad movie).

Myron Gore Vidal 1974
The sequel to Myra Breckenridge.

The Pussycat Transplant Ted Mark 1968
An unmarried and pregnant young woman goes to an abortionist, but gets more than she bargained for when she awakens in the body of handsome and viral young man.

Season of the Witch Hank Stine 1968
A man is transformed into a woman as punishment for rape and learns to like his new role.

Turnabout Thorne Smith 1931 (Del Rey 1980)
A man and wife exhange bodies with hilarious result.

Unnatural Desires Vin Saxon 1965
A tv novel.

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