My Story

    So, it begins. I was born March 28, 1978 in Calgary Alberta. My life was just usual until later in life so I'll fast forward! I moved to a little waste-land of a city called Thunder Bay, Ontario when I was 8. If you've never had the pleasure of visiting Thunder Bay I will allow a good friend of mine to describe it. Sarah?
Hi, everyone! I'm Sarah. Thunder Bay is a pit. There isn't all that much to do here as far as a night life, but if you like hiking, skiing, camping, then well you could probably stand it for a while, I have. The people here all like to pretend that they're cowboys (cowpeople). Well, to sum it all up I guess you could say that everyone is a bunch of fag hatin', couzin datin' rednecks.

Thanks, Sarah! How right you are! Yep, it's pretty tough being gay in this city. Growing up was kinda tough. I met my first and longest lived love in grade 10 and we stayed together for three very long years. To make a very long story short, he was straight when I met him, sometime in the middle through my manipulative ways he became somewhat Bi,

then towards the end he reverted back to his former straight self and dumped me. Well, I exagerate a little, I was a control freak and probably had a huge part in the break-up, but hey we learn from our mistakes don't we?! If he reads this, I want him to know that I'm sorry. So a summer passed, and with some help from my best friend Sarah, I was able to continue life somehow. Now that brings us to the fall of '96.

    This was the time in my life when I started to get woried that I was the only gay man in the world. Sarah saved the day by showing me an article she had found in the newspaper advertising a support group for gay youth in Thunder Bay (Northern Pride!). This was my first big step. After a little while I finally gathered the courage to go. There were only three people there but I finally knew I wasn't alone. This sparked a sudden burst of inspiration in me and I began coming out to my parents. My parents are divorced so I had to confront them individually, first my father then my mother. My dad was really cool with it, "[Me]Dad, I'm Gay", "[Him]Oh are you", "[Me] yeah, are you ok with that?", "[Him] Why wouldn't I be, you are still part of the family". Pretty good, huh?

Well I would like to say it brought us closer but he and I are still pretty distanced from one another, I guess part of him was still disappointed. It kind of remains a taboo subject neither avoided nor openly discussed but who knows what the future will bring!

So, Life continued much as it tends to. I came out to my mother, which was, again, another interresting situation. Her reaction was worse than my father's. I don't know if she will ever be able to accept my lifestyle. I figure that is up to her, and I can't change what she strongly believes in anymore than someone could change my morals. Again, time will tell, until then, my mom and I love each other very much and nothing will take away the relationship we have.

Well, now it's 1999 and has alot happened since my last update. I am now in second year University majoring in Biology (not an easy major, I assure you!). I can honestly say that I'm busier than I've ever been before, BUT LOVING IT! I've been involved in the greatest relationship ever for the past five months. I have really done alot of learning as to what "love" is all about. They weren't joking when they said "emotional rollercoaster"! I was a bit of a basket case for the first little while, but now things are soooo good *sigh*. So yeah, I'm pretty happy with life, my friends rule, family still rocks.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY NEW BABY BROTHER NOAH!!!

    I see life as an adventure. People often forget that they are the masters of their own destinies. I say never forget this. For if you do, life and all of its treasures will pass you by. But it's never too late to take charge and seek the adventure; trust me, it'll take you for the ride of your life!
Bye, for now

hi Kevin! I hope you found this alright! I was just thinking about you and missing you so I thought I would find a creative way to send you my thoughts! Seeing as only 3 people have visited my site in the past week, I would say that this is pretty safe. Its Saturday night at around midnight and I am soooo tired. Tomorrow we are having part two of the yard sale saga, should be fun. Work was good tonight, Calvin is a really great kid. It looks as if I'm going to be working every week with him starting as soon as I get back. So, Monday is almost here and I will have to leave the country....that sounded very "running from the law"ish. Anyway, I can't tell you how much I want you to be there with me, there are so many things I want to experience with you. I am comforted by the fact that we have only just begun to build what I think is going to be colossal (we've already had a pretty good start!). We've built so many good memories so far, and it makes me so happy to think about what lies ahead for us. You are SO special to me, just the thought of you and your huge heart is enough to make me smile when facing even the worst of the super pet customers. So basically, what I'm getting at is, yes, absence does make the heart grow fonder. The very biggest of my hugs. Matt!


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