Earth Day

Please help your community by putting trash where it belongs, and driving only when needed to as to lessen the pollution going into the air!!!

Thoughts of spring and Earth

      I decided to go for a walk this morning,
      after I had gotten out of bed.
      The day was sure to be beautiful,
      at least that’s what the paper said.
      I’d walk on down to the river today,
      and tread along the shore.
      thoughts of spring and summertime,
      were thoughts I could not ignore.
      One look around and you’d think,
      something isn’t right,
      for yes, this day is beautiful,
      but the ground's an awful sight.
      trash, littered about everywhere made this beautiful spring day,
      about as beautiful as a Freezing Winter Day,
      If we don’t clean up our trash, this city’s gonna die,
      for if this keeps continuing the next target is the sky.

I wrote this poem, after I rollerbladed with my friends through a park here in my city. I believe strongly in the message even if it's not really clear it's apparent enough that trash has a place on this earth and it's in a trash can Because when people just throw stuff on the ground it makes our homes, schools, parks, and our streets dirty and unpleasant to be around. I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING you think well it's just this one time that I am gonna throw litter on the ground. And maybe that's true but you are not the only thinking this. many, many people are having that same thought so even though you are only one person you are adding to it. WELL it has to stop and it can stop, but it won't stop unless people realize that they are doing it. You have to make a difference. Everyone does. Well, If you made it this far down the paragraph I thank you sincerely for listening to my rambling.

Email me with any question's or thought's on my poem.
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