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All of these poems were inspired by people I know.. Some of them by lovers and others by friends. Whenever I am really emotional, I usually get inspired to write a poem. This is only a few of them.. The ones I like.. I have a whole lot more in my personal Journal (not the one on my homepage) You should see some of these poems some are written neatly and with puctuation (usually meaning a calm mood) and most have no punctuation, you can barely read them and you have to jump all around the place cause of the scribbles.. LOL it's funny how you can tell a persons mood just by the way that person writes.. Anyways read on and Enjoy.. If you like em you can write me and tell me all about it.

Love & Friends

We all knew each other for years before now
But now is much different than the years before
We all know who we are now
or at least we think we do
We struggle through our friendships
As all Friends do
When we first became friends
the three of us were Happy
but as time past by I noticed this untrue
for when I see you two together
I can just tell that we're through
although I still Love him
or at least think I do
I don't want to get hurt
But I need You too
so If Love is what you seek, My Friend
than I am here for you
and I will step aside to see
that you are as happy as happy can be
for your happiness means worlds to me
and so I hope you can see
that I am here for you my friend
and our friendship will never end.


Everyone has their little secrets including me
so here is a look at the secrets in me
I hold in all of my pain and fear
hoping that someone will soon appear
to take me away to a far away land
where the world is nothing but miles of sand
and though it's true that I dwell on these things
it would be nice if I could sprout wings
I would soar above everything that's evil and cruel
and would settle down where the breezes are cool
then I would jump to see how high I'd Get
but get real my life is Full of Shit.

Reasons for friends

I bet if I jumped I could soar on the wind
but if I was wrong I would fall off the end
so what if I fell and I hurt myself Bad
No one would care to check on this poor old Lad
and though I could disappear from this cold, dark place
what difference would it make if I showed my cruel Face
through the darkness would come one single ray
to brighten and cheer up my cold, dark days
that single ray is you my friend and I know that you care
cause If I didn't have you my friend I'd be falling through the air

Walking through fire and getting burned
is the same thing as lovers who have never learned
that Love is a blessing and is to be earned
and Life is a lesson that needs to be learned.
Love is a fire that can burn with a shame
but if you feed it properly it can be tame
If nothing is said to strenthen it, it can become lame
and when love eventually fails there is no one to blame.

Why Do I

Why do I subject myself to Hurt?
Why do I endure the pain?
Why do I search for it?
Why do I yearn for it?
Why do I bother even looking?
Why do I back away from it?
Why do I run away?
Why do I keep fighting it?
Why do I still Cry?
Why do I even try?
Why do I fall for it?
Why do I feel this way?
Why do I Love?

Good Bye

What is it about you that makes me feel this way
When I see you looking towards me it always makes my day
When I feel your gentle hands my body begins to trimble
Then I see that smiling face with eyes like little thimbals.
When I hear your gentle voice I feel like jumping high
Then you said it would never work and I began to cry
You said you would still be my friend
And that our friendship would never End
But then you found another guy
so I guess that this is Good Bye

I call your house, but you don't answer
and if you answer, you don't talk
I don't know what to do anymore
but to sit and wait, but I can't wait forever.
Come around my Love and listen to what I have to say
some things need to be done arounds here and done in my way
I don't understand why you ignore me all of the time
but if loving you is wrong then I am guilty of that crime
Why are you so silent around me? have you found someone new?
Why do you make me cry so much? What do I have to Do?
I want to be with you my Love, but I only stretch so far.
So I won't wait forever you see I can see it in the stars
so if you want me in your life, you better let me know.

Why do you do the things you do
Who knows well I guess only You
but do you know how I feel inside
after you've taken me for a Ride
Down that deep dark hole in my mind
Where there lies secrets I don't want to Find
Well it Hurts I say and I say it Loud
I still Love you and for that I am Proud
But I can't keep climbing up this Hill
Of your comments and attitudes I've had my fill
and I tell you to Look at me and see what you've done
I'm a Wreck, I've lost the Battle and you've won!

I'm sitting here and thinking that all is good
But Shit always happens to me "knock on wood"
I know as I continue on things can only get Bad
And I need to try as hard as I can not to get Mad
But I am Pissed and you should know why
it was you that left me here to die
when I though you were here for me
you were running around thinking you're free
of that little pest you once called your Best friend
so I guess I have to put this to as end
Don't get mad at the things I have to say
I don't see why you should since it's your fault anyway
I'm here to say good-Bye to you
So long my friend and a happy life too!

Help me.. I'm so Alone
Help me.. I'm chilled to the bone
Help me.. I can't see the door
Help me.. I can't feel the floor
Help me.. I'm trapped within my Mind
Help me.. Won't you try to Find
Help me.. Can't you Hear me screaming
Help me.. Look at me and stop Dreaming
Help me.. I can no longer here the voices
Help me.. I have run out of choices
Help me.. I can no longer see there faces
Help me.. There is nothing now to fill the spaces
Help me......


What is the Meaning of Life?
Why does it cut like A knife?
What does it feel like to be in Love?
Why does everyone always push and shove?
I Don't know the answer to all these things
I Don't know why birds sing in the spring
But I do know that everyday you live you are closer to dying
and I don't understand exactly why I am crying
Why I don't end it all, I just don't know
but there is still something I want to say before I go
I am all alone in this cold cruel world with no one to love or to love me too
Listen to me my friend for this is what you have to do
Tell me you Love me before I go insane
Tell me this please so I don't put a bullet in my brain
I don't say this to scare you, and I don't want you to lie
I need to know that you love me but I don't want you to cry
If I made you sad my friend, I didn't mean for it to be
Just look into my eyes my friend and you will surely see
that I am truly mad and completely insane
I love you so very much it hurts with great Pain
I wrote this poem for you my friend to make you see my plight
you see it's my friends that keep me Alive through this internal Fight
I hope this doesn't scare you like I know it probably will
but I need the empty spaces to be filled
there is a spot designated specifically for you
but you have to love me in all that I do
I already love you as I have said before
so tell me your feelings before I'm lost through the door
I feel my mind closing in on me and I can't stop this Pain
I am so close to joining the spirits I think I'm going Insane
The only one who can stop this is the person who I love
and that is you my friend My beautiful Dove.

The Next two Poems were inspired by a friend of mine who tried to take his life. He doesn't know just how much love I have for him and how much love all of his friends and especially his Girlfriend have for him.. I've known him for a long time but we only became friends a short time ago. I'm always here for you my friend and I hope you understand that.


All my life I've fought and lost
That battle of my life and at a great cost
My life which has spun 'round and 'round
Thrown up and down and to the ground.
My Life has been a battle between evil and good
I shouldn't have to go through this, No one should
The years have been harsh and the days drawn out
I've lost many a good friend over a small shout
all my closest friends have all gone away
To a place where there is no return.. everyone has to stay
I can't stand to lose another, My soul has grown weak
I don't think I could take it, I would probably freak
My aura has grown thin from all the broken days
All of my lost friends, No one ever stays
People come and People go and no one ever stops
Friendships come and Friendships go, My life has been a flop
I can't take it anymore, the pain is so bad
I've been crying all night long, I am so completely sad
If my life were a poker game I'd bet 100 bucks
that my life is a royal flush down the toilet. Yes it really Sucks


I sat and cried tonight for hours on end
I sat and cried tonight, for you my dear friend
I don't know what made you do what you did today
But I'm always here for you my friend in every possible way
Remember to see past the dark my friend there is always a ray of light
I found it a few years ago and it's beginning to set me right
Life is never perfect nor is it easy and nice
Sometimes people can be so cold they can be like Ice
and although we only began to talk a week ago
I wanted to shout this out to you just to let you know
That I am not going to let you end it all, not while I can see
That you are a very special person, especially to me
I may not be your life mate or even your best friend
But I'm gonna see that you make it up and around the bend.
You see you just can't bring me into your life and so suddenly say good bye
I won't let you do that to me, Too many of my friends have already died
I don't know if I've let you know before just how much you've touched my life
I'm sitting here crying, just writing this poem, it's cutting like a knife
My friends are more dear to me than anything else on this world
You need to know this because you are included in my world
I don't know if my plight has reached you but I sincerely hope it will
I'm your friend now and forever and always will.

Haunting Images

Haunting images fleet through my mind,
Images of life and death.. The horrible kind
All I can see is a lifetime gone bad
It�s just a nightmare but it�s terribly sad
The theme is recurring and I hate it so much
It makes me go crazy I feel like I�m losing touch
On top of all of this I think I am going crazy
This whole thing makes me want to sit around and be lazy
I don�t want to do anything when there are such horrible images in my head
I don�t even want to sleep because I am scared of going to bed
The images are so real that they dominate my night of rest
I don�t know if it is just a dream or if it is a test
A test of my will to live and to see another day
All my days seem numbered now and the sky is a dull gray
We all take for granted those that we see and love
Then one day the ground shakes and there is thunder up above
We lose everything we care about and we tremble from the pain
Everything is stripped from us everything that is sane
I am just an observer watching from a far
I am just an observer wishing on a star
I can�t help anyone that I can see
I�ve lost my sanity, I am not free

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