Our Halloween Party

I took this picture of myself right before I got dressed for the party.

I went to this party in Goth. Now there is a story behind the way I did my make-up I combined the Characteristics of three people in my school it was sort of a joke on them.

This is Don. I did his make-up at my house(which is where this picture was taken). it took long hours of talking to persuade him to dress up for this party, But he's so damn cute and I loved dressing him up.

This is Brian(on the Left) and Jeremy(on the other left obviously) Brian dressed up as someone who has Money which of course he never does. and Jeremy dressed up as Dracula.(not pictured is Renfield). Oh and Jer says Drink Coke.

This is a picture of Sara and Jen. they're a lot of fun to be around except when they're together they share a Brain Cell =) (Jen or Sara if you see this Don told me to do it).

This is Julie and Jen. Julie is dressed as a Wyandotte pee-wee hockey fan( wait she is a pee-wee hockey fan... whoops) and Jen is dressed as Marilyn Monroe. (she wasn't wearing her wig in this picture).

Here's Don Again Just Chillin and having a smoke.

Miss Wyandotte herself...... it's Cindy.. Tada. (well actually she is Miss Stu Evans tonight).

This is (pictured left to right) Pete, Joe-sephine and Alex. Joe had planned his costume but pete and alex threw on some fancy clothes and decided to be cops or mobsters or something.

Here is the Glamourous Autumn Breeze in person. Jeff has always wanted to go Drag well tonight was his chance.

Here we have Don who is Shirtless(which makes me Melt) and Jeff (Autumn) getting out of his/her costume.

Don Says.. " It's ok to drink Coke just don't drink out of this one because I think there are about 30 cigarette butts in there" this was taken the next day when him and I cleaned up after the party.

here is don again taking a breather after we had finally finished cleaning.

We had a lot of fun that night including dancing playing cards, playing spin the bottle(especially fun) and going to denny's in our costumes. Decorating and clean-up was kinda rough but Don, Jer, and I pulled it off. anyways there are more photos from that night that I have to post here but for now this will do.

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