Changes only marriage brings....

1. You will notice that marriage is not the end, but only the beginning.

2. That delays will not happen unless there's a slice of untrust.

3. During the endless Sunday familiar lunches, you will be committed to come up with the best mood you are able to.

4. The assurance that the toilet rug will never be at the same place and the towel (wet, of course) will be constantly on the bed.

5. Your partner will start telling you everything really, and sometimes you don not feel like hearing it.

6. You sleep together at your parent's house and they will not be embarrassed by that.

7. The change of social pressure from "When will you get married ?" by "What about the first baby ?"

8. Decrease some dollars on the shoes prices.

9. Try to enjoy read meat and beach, when you really like raw fish and mountains.

10. Start feeling guilty when those lovely people insist to show up when your lover is not arounf.

11. Start feeling pity for all those who are not married.

12. Find your favourite paper all smashed.

13. You give up complaining about the bike which is not at a proper place and the dog which loves sleeping on your bed.