1. Give your mother 50 red roses and tell her that you love her.

2. Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it.

3. Go skinny-dipping at midnight in the South of France.

4. Have a love affair in paris-Kir Royales at Brasserie Lipps and kisses in Le Petit Louvre.

5. Get dressed up and enjoy an evening at the Opera.

6. Spend a whole day eating everything you've been told is bad for you, without feeling guilty.

7. Be an extra in a movie.

8. Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details.

9. Make love on a kitchen table

10. Make love on a florest floor.

11. Make love on a train.

12. Learn to roller-skate.

13. Own a room with a view.

14. Learn how to take a compliment

15. Buy a round the world air ticket and a rucksack and run away.

16. Change your hairstyle totally - from black to blond, from long to short or vice-versa.

17. Tell some spine-chilling ghost stories around a camp fire.

18. Have your portrait painted. 19. Put your name down to be a passenger on the first tourist shuttle to the moon.

20. Send a message in a bottle.

21. Discover your own personal style.

22. Terrify yourself by taking up an activity such as parashooting/rafting/rockc climbing.

23. Ride a camel into the desert.

24. Get to know your neighbours.

25. Swim with a dolphim.

26. Plant and be named after a tree.

27. Learn not to say yes when you mean no.

28.Have the ultimate luxury hotel experience: champagne and caviar in a hot tub with your lover.

29. Write a fan letter to your all-time favourite hero or heroine.

30. Visit the House of Commons.

31. Get your mother to teach you to waltz properly.

32. Throw an enormous party and invite every single one of your pals.

33. Fall deeply in love - totally, helplessly and unconditionally.

34. Go on holiday by yourself somewhere truly exotic.

35. Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home at all.

36. Sing as loud as you can from the top of a mountain.

37. Dive off the side of a yacht.

38. Ask for a pay rise.

39. Learn to play a musical instrument.

40. Experience weightlessness. 41. Sunbathe naked.

42. Sleep under the stars.

43. Kiss someone you have just met on a blind date.

44. Spend a whole day curled up on your reading poetry.

45. Go wild in Rio during Carnaval.

46. Learn to juggle with three balls.

47. Forgive your parents.

48. Overcome the fear of failure.

49. Revisit your old school to see if you can find your initials that you carved on your desk many years ago. 50. Spend three months getting your body into optimum shape.

51. Accept yourself for who you are.

52. Be able to handle: tax forms, wolf whistles, Jehovah's Witnesses, your bank manager, your boss, your hair-dresser, door-to-door salespeople and Black & Decker anything.

53. Attend at least one major sporting event. Wimbledom/The World Cup/The Monaco Grand Prix.

54. Let someone feed you with peeled and seedless grapes.