Tell me whyyyyyyyy !

  • Why do men always leave the toilet sit up ?
    It always strikes me. I mean even in MY home, with my male friends who know that :
    1- I'm a girl (who said "it's not obvious" ????)
    2- I live alone, I'm a lesbian and so not many males come to pee in MY home...
    If one of them go to the bathroom, I can be sure, I will find this fucking sit up ! And the only explanation I find was that males, however charming they are, think that their territory is everywhere and so they don't have to respect you, as a single woman who uses the toilet sit down, because your home is their territory...
    Guys, any comments on that ?

  • Why isn't love a symmetric relation ?
    (or at least every time it should be..)
    I know this must be the stupiest question in the universe, but it keeps haunting me... because... because for a too long time it hasn't been for me and it still isn't for some of my friends and it's just unfair !
    For a long time all the women I fell in love with found I was a really great friend. Someone who knew how to listen, how to hug and hand kleenex when they cried over my shoulder... but definitely not someone you could love... And it just killed me several times !
    Until this bright, wonderful, beautiful and caring young woman I've met decided I was a good friend but also may be someone you could love....
    Anyway, statistically, love is not a symmetric relation and I still don't know why and it's still unfair and... but... anyway... sometimes it is and you don't know why either but you don't wanna know, right ?

  • How can some people abuse children ?
    I remember... I only knew this friend for a week but I had already fallen in love with her. It was the evening and we were just back from a night of work in the disco of the lesbian association in Toulouse, and were sleeping in the guest room of a friend. We were so tired... but she kept on talking about her life, her past... And she told me how she was abused when she was eight... and yeah I remember how I suddenly was wide awake, and how I listened to her, so quiet, with horror in my soul and how I really wanted to kill... Then it was one of my girl-friends... she was 5 when it happened...
    How can someone do that to a kid ??
    I found this site and I think everybody should go and see it because... we all know a survivor and may be with this kind of documents, and all our love, we can help them.
    Cut'em up !

    I found another page : Jupiter's page
    Hell I found many pages about that... and I think we should read them all... we all have to be aware...
    Abuse Survivors'Resources : Newsgroups and FAQ
    Adult Survivors of Abuse
    Butterflies : Thoughts on Being An Incest Survivor
    First Person : Survivors Stories at The Wounded Healer
    A survivor's Story
    Incest/Sexual Abuse of Children and Systems Theory and Incest/Sexual Abuse of Children: Focus on Families andCommunities by Pat McClendon
    Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy
    How Children Tell Abuse Sexual Abuse Feelings expressed by sexual abuse victims

    And Also about the rape... because it's the same assholes :(
    Rape Survivor Speaks Out

  • Why french TV doesn't broadcast The Golden Girls anymore ?
    That was my favorite sitcom ! Hey I learned english with that one ("Shut up, Rose !") !! Why can't I watch it anymore ? A sitcom which spoke about lesbians !!! A sitcom with four women living together with no man !!! Hey ! Give it back to me ! Because now, I'm alone with only this web page left... (and the script of a part I didn't see...). Anyway... I'll turn to Abs Fab... or maybe Roseanne

  • Why aren't womyn more listened to in politics ? Because they're right ?
    (and by the way, who is that Germaine ??)
    No, that's right ! A lot of women have, in politics, ideas much more sensed and which sound newer than men's ideas ("why not make a war so everybody will forget I cheated on my wife?", "Let's fire people !", "why respect human rights for the fags and the dykes ?", etc.)...
    Read that text :
    "I do think that women can make politics irrelevant by a kind of spontaneous co-operative action, the likes of which we have never seen. That is just so far from peoples ideas of state structure and viable social structure that it seems to them like total anarchy. When what it really is, is very subtle forms of inter-relation, which do not follow hierarchical patterns which are fundamentally patriarchal. The opposite of matriarchy is not partriarchy but fraternity. And I think it is women who are going to have to break this vial of power and find the trick to co-operation."
    Germaine Greer

    Isn't she brilliant ?? So boys, stop messing around in the governments, playing to "the-one-with-the-biggest-dick-will-be-heard" : politics is no game, it's our lives !
    You find that a little pro-women-against-men ? No, it's just to make you react !!! ; )

  • Why do my workmates call me R2D2 ?
    Honestly, do I look like that weird little noisy thing in Star Wars ? Is that true that no one understands when I talk ?? Do I really weight 544 kilos for a 1,25 meters height ??? Seriously, do you think I'm tripedal ????

  • Have you seen those movies ?
    (No ? go and see them !!!!!!!!!!)
    Heavenly Creatures... or how, in my mind, oppression can lead to destruction... Serves them right !
    When night is falling... "try a little teeeeeeeeeenderneeeess" !
    Go fish ... yep... good idea !
    By the way, go and check out this interview of Rose Troche
    Beautiful thing ... isn't homosexuality beautiful and simple sometimes ??
    Butterfly kiss... Why couldn't lesbians be mass murderer ? After all we're human beings ! A beautiful and violent movie... and Amanda Plummer... What a Babe !!!! This movie will hit you like a fist in the stomach !
    Salmonberries... Just imagine : Alaska, and k.d.lang playing a lesbian eskimo... I'd walk through the snow barefoot if you'd open up your door k.d. !!
    The celluloid closet... A brilliant analysis of the image of homosexuality throughout Hollywood history... It's a little like Playing in the dark (of Toni Morisson) but for homosexual people...
    Bound Hey do you know what ? I find this classical thriller is a damn good one ! Because even if it's a movie with lesbians shot by two men, the lesbians are pictured in a positive and natural way, and (i.m.o. only) they use the homophobia of our society for the suspens !! Let me explain : when I first saw it I thought "Gee, it's may be an american film but people are so homophobic that may be there won't be a happy end for our two babes !! Gee, will they get out of here alive ?????"
    Oh and the The 100% Unofficial Website is... kinda great...

  • Why are relations between parents and children so complicated ?
    Why this mix of love and hate, of fear and pride, of understanding and untolerance ? Why so few of us manage to talk to their parents from adult to adult, from individual to individual ?
    Even with my parents, who I believe are "good" parents, I never could communicate "correctly"... and like many children, I felt anger and frustration, about the way my parents had brought me up... but I didn't know why, since they were objectively good parents...
    Until that day when I really understood the book of Alice Miller, "For your own good", in the depth of my soul. She didn't speak only of criminals, she didn't speak only of children with violent parents... no... she was speaking of you and me... and our parents, and our grand-parents... and everything was so terribly clear... In this book, there is a moment when she says something like "I was often told 'you're talking nonsense : every kid with a strict or violent education don't all end up a criminals'. Knowing what I know now, I think it's a real miracle..." and man, she's right !
    Everybody should read Alice Miller... parents AND children... It can help every single one of us...

    The twelve points

    "The truth about childhood is stored up in our bodies and lives in the depths of our souls. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings can be numbed and manipulated, our perceptions shamed and confused, our bodies tricked with medication, but our soul never forgets. And because we are one, one whole soul in one body, someday our body will present its bill. The wounded and lost child is only in hiding; the soul is still whole in spirit. Ultimately, our deepest self will accept no compromises or excuses, and it will not stop tormenting or contaminating us until we stop evading the truth."

    -- Alice Miller

  • Why am I obsessed by IQ and other things like that ?
    No, that's right !! Though I know that the results of a test only proove your capacity to pass that test, I'm scared when I think my IQ could be inferior to 100... How stupid !! By the way... try yours (uh... I scored 156 to this one... should I be scared ?)...

    And why are we so different ?? No that's right : I'm a lesbian, they are straight, I look like a butcher boy, they're gorgeous (you don't believe me, have a look?), I'm so shy it's like a disease, they are just a little bit shy, I'm bright... they're bright... Oh ! why asking such stupid questions ??? They are my sisters and I love them !

  • All right ! All right ! I give up...
    Why is my name Onenight ?
    No it's not the maximum time I manage to spend with a girl ! Who said that, uh ????
    Remember, The Abyss, the great James Cameron's movie... There are two girls in the staff... Lindsey, who is Bud's wife, straight as pine tree, and who arrives just when the story starts... and Onenight, the black one. The one who doesn't say much but acts well during the danger, the one who works among a dozen of tough guys who respect her and don't try to tease her.. doesn't that sound familiar ? don't you think she would make a pretty good lesbian ? Well I do !

  • Why are old people such a pain in the ass sometimes ?????

  • Why am I a folk and country music (well... when it's folky) fan ??
    Yes, why ? I'm french and for this music I learned english, isn't it strange ? How could I fall in love with this music, not understanding the language but feeling the words there were rich and worthed hours of work ? And how can I keep on loving it though a lot of my friends find it simple and call it "music for young girls and cow-boys" ?? Probably for the same reason I keep on being a lesbian : I love that !
    Phranc said that today everybody wanted to be a folksinger... try it !

  • Why do I sometimes compare being an activist to being an ant ?
    Because I believe in the power of ants

  • That's all for the moment but I'll find other stupid questions to put here, believe me !!

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