The pup's pages

  1. Ok, i'm still working on my web pages as you can tell.
  2. I know, i'm slow at getting around to rebuilding these pages.
  3. New pic's coming soon.. 11/03/03
  4. remember you can also send me a msg throu icq panel below.
  5. and thanks for stopping by.
  6. There was a Special Person that was in my life, but now he's gone.
  7. Well i'm back once again, and now have added a Web Cam
  8. Here is the link to the Hanky Codes that people keep asking me about.
  9. A link to my friends web sites/cam's
  10. Here is a picture Goppy, very shy quiet type of a guy. More information on him to come later
  11. Here is a Link to some of Peterborough's other points of interest.
  12. Ok Boi's it's picture time once again..

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