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Hey...I'm Phil and welcome to my page. I'm from Fairbanks, Alaska and have lived here since 1981. Originally I'm from Michigan, born in Detroit and raised in Alpena. I'm a postal worker and my hobbies are at the moment computers and shopping at second hand stores (or better known as collecting junk). I also like music-both playing instruements and cd's-and photography. Although I haven't done much in the way of music or photography in awhile. I'm gay and out and enjoy the luxury of living that way. Statistically I'm 49, 5foot 9, 200 lbs, grey hair and a beard. I'll put a picture on this site as soon as I can. I would indeed like to do alot of things but don't seem able most of the time. To give you an example, I last updated this page in March of 1998. Well that's all I've got to say for now. If you care to please e-mail me at [email protected].