3 Boyz Home Page has moved!

Our new URL is http://members.home.net/3boyz

Geocities has been a faithful home to us for over three years now, and we are sad to feel we have to leave.
Yet with the recent Yahoo merger, and the terms they have set forth, we cannot in good conscience remain at Geocities.

In the new terms and conditions, Yahoo stated that they own the rights to all material hosted on the Geocities sites. You can read more about this


and we encourage everyone to do so.

As Michael is a writer, with many of his stories on our site, as well as many original images and graphics, we feel we cannot allow the rights to these things to be in any hands other than ours.
We encourage other artists, writers, and designers with original material hosted with Geocities to think about these outrageous terms, and come to their own conclusions about what that could mean.

Our new site, however, will be undergoing major renovations, so keep checking back for the latest changes! Also, be sure to bookmark the new URL! Thanks, and we'll see you at our new home!

Lari, Michael, and Frank