These are the people who have taken the time to acknowledge that they have visited Chez Dullthud. Bless them all! Be sure to add your thoughts, if you haven't already done so!

AL - 12/12/00 01:41:58
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Sexual Persuasion: Gay

You are a very hansome senior!

ray - 12/01/00 16:19:07
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male????????????????
Sexual Persuasion: ????????????????????
Married or LTR? (Y/N): single

I like your site, but I like more the man behind this, and that is you. Like you I never had any relationship with a man, but I always dream to have one, especially with older men. I love to service old men. If you like I can be the first man in your life and you will be my first man also. Hope we'll meet someday.

Marco - 09/20/00 22:28:08
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Sexual Persuasion: Gay
Married or LTR? (Y/N): Yes

Like your site and especialy YOU !!!

terry - 08/30/00 00:40:03
My URL:/attbr/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: gay
Married or LTR? (Y/N): no

You have a cool looking website!

fabrizio fulvio fausto fiale - 03/17/00 14:25:55
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: gay and/or fetish

I think there is not black or white, but endless "grey scale" ...In sexuality of one single person, too!!! (However, if you don't were so far, I should was come immediately to you! You appear so pretty to my eyes...

Chet - 02/19/00 15:18:14
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: closeted

Nice web site, I haven't had the time to make my own site. I have visited many personal web pages, this the first I have signed. Liked your choice of music. Am into home theater for the car. Will complete my installation in a few months. Hope you find what you want. Chet of Hawaii

george - 01/18/00 05:27:52
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: bisexual

I am currently involved with a married man. Don't be too concerned. Find someone you can trust and enjoy the moment...Come to Florida. I will take care of ya...

Matthew Graham - 11/11/99 23:38:02
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Sexual Persuasion: Bisexual
Married or LTR? (Y/N): Open LTR

Hi there...Just wanted to say I like your webpage and about your sexual identity just enjoy yourself...I'm only 26 but I know that I'm bisexual...older men and women turn me on espically bicouples :)

Nissim Cohen - 10/23/99 17:15:44
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: meil
Sexual Persuasion: homosexuel
Married or LTR? (Y/N): married in sweden with a man 1998-we are together from 1984

good lak from sweden

BIG E - 09/27/99 15:56:40
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: bi
Married or LTR? (Y/N): yes

luv your sight, understand what you are going through, would luv to see more pictures of you.:)please write would luv to chat...

Raymond - 09/19/99 18:35:54
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: None
Married or LTR? (Y/N): No open relationship

Mon cher When I think of what you are going through it must not be easy, and I understand knowing married man which are my favorites for sex, because they are great lovers and discrete. But I respect these mens mainly because they hung around with their respective families and childrens and had no suffering because of the status of a relationship with a men discretly. I would like to be around your area I could speak to you about it, but stay married and get what you can sometimes without hurting anyone and if some dont like it you will find someone that understand you the way you are. Hugs Raymond from Montreal Canada

Alan Dixon - 09/18/99 06:01:23
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Sexual Persuasion: GAY (with men over 55 ONLY!)
Married or LTR? (Y/N): No

I live in Kissimmee, Florida near Dismal World and the other theme parks, one of the cheapest places to fly to and stay. I love older men only because it is what they have that I want. A seasoned man has everythng to offer, wisdom, knowledge, experience, nd just plain SEXY!!!!

leopoldo - 09/12/99 02:06:37
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Married or LTR? (Y/N): ltr

I see your photo: very very very nice. I am italian man, i love daddys. Please send me your pics. kissss

Pat - 09/06/99 01:42:11
My Email:[email protected]
Sexual Persuasion: full-grown men like yourself
Married or LTR? (Y/N): ltr-15yrs

I got a real kick out of your site. Has it worked for you? Satin Throat gave you some sound advice even if it seemed cynical. If you get near Palm Springs let us know and we'll try to get together.

Jay - 08/22/99 23:54:14
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Very Male
Sexual Persuasion: Older male
Married or LTR? (Y/N): Very LTR

I'm a very athletic 36 year old living in New York. If you ever get to New York E-mail me. I will look at you, until you were gay. Then we would touch...

Satin Throat - 05/18/99 00:00:30
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Sexual Persuasion: Gay
Married or LTR? (Y/N): Was in LTR, single now.

What do you think about when you masturbate? Sorry to be so crass, but it has a lot to do with your sexual persuasion. If you think of a man when you are having sex, it's what gets the blood flowing. I am a masculine gay man, able to fit in to heterose ual society without any suspicions. I have always loved gray-haired men and would love to give you a taste of how great sex can be. I am in Southern California --where are you located. Just be careful. Practice safe sex (no matter what someone may tel you) and use caution. There are viscious queens who would blackmail you if they found out you were married. This isn't a cut on gay people, there are just good and bad people in every walk of life. Good luck, you handsome devil!

Koon - 05/15/99 18:45:03
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: gay
Married or LTR? (Y/N): LTR

Well, the first move always very important and if happen you got a chance to experience sexual activity with another man, just do it. Then, you will know what you are.

GHH from HC - 04/04/99 21:12:43


CallmeGB - 01/02/99 00:51:56
My Email:[email protected]
Sexual Persuasion: Gay

Heinlein is my favorite author of all time! I've probably read "Stranger" twenty times. I can probably help you with your 'problem'

- 01/02/99 00:49:40


m.edward - 12/15/98 04:11:43
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: mwm
Sexual Persuasion: can be
Married or LTR? (Y/N): married

I find you very interesting and would like to help you with your identity crisis. I am sure i can show you everything you want/need to know. e-mail me if this sounds like something you would like to talk about. e.

Michael DiFranco - 03/26/98 16:26:37
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: Older men :-)
Married or LTR? (Y/N): Have a lover in LTR of 18+ years.

Hi..Followed a link from /westhollywood/3372/jimsbiog.html to your page but it said you were his partner Ken? I am not sure if that is correct though as you said you have never had a lover on your page. You might want to check it o t? I am a 42yo living in Florida and wanted to tell you that we have something in common! Kent Torch! I saw his link from your page. :-) Tell him hello if you chat to him. I liked you page and also wanted to wish you good luck in your search! I do love your choice of music too!. Hugs, to you Michael & Vern

Brian - 02/26/98 03:48:30
My URL:/westhollywood/8352
My Email:[email protected]
Sexual Persuasion: Gay

Hey Dullthud... I like what you've done with the place :):)... Thank you for stopping by my site.. Good luck! :):)

"buddy" - 02/26/98 03:30:39
Sex: male
Sexual Persuasion: male of course!
Married or LTR? (Y/N): single / LTR?

I certainly like your taste in the musical end. Some of the later rockand roll, I'm not to keen on. You look and sound like you like the finer things of life. I'm new at this computer game and some of the lingo puzzles me,Yes , I finally found your Home P ge. Want to set up my own. Oh, I love movies, theater and have quite a collection of the old MGM musicals and dramas.I like to cook an am considered a very good chef. I am retired and am 68 years old. My time is my own,; so let me hear from you.Regards -B ddy

Amanda Timmins - 02/24/98 05:36:58
My Email:[email protected]
Sexual Persuasion: Lez
Married or LTR? (Y/N): nope

Just checking out your page, well afterall you did visit mine!! It isn't that big a jump from catholicism to atheism, with both lines of thought you basically have no idea what you are saying, thinking or doing, there is no point to either. Do me a favor nd tell me what Job 38:31 means. And how would job know this??? Well to write down anyway, rather bizarre. Atheism is a fine line to draw, you can simply believe in yourself and what you experience, you dont have to bother with the bizarre and unexplainab e, you just go on living your life.

Kent Torch (Stache) - 02/20/98 06:31:00
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Yea . . all the time! (M)
Sexual Persuasion: Both, but lean toward M
Married or LTR? (Y/N): HAD both single now

Interesting man . . . enjoyed your home page, and thnaks for visiting mine . . come back again . . . . . . .K?

jcr - 02/18/98 15:39:10


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