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Otterzero's Den! Biography Page

Interesting facts about OtterZero

Personal stats

Physical Stuff

Birthdate: February of 1975.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
Chinese Zodiac sign: Tiger (I just miss Rabbit by a day or two.)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: As of 11/01/01, 175lbs. I still have a bit to lose.
Eyes: Green-gray eyes, glasses.
Hair: Dark brown, usually cut short, with a goatee or beard as the weather and my whim dictate.


Ancestry: Irish, first generation. Both of my parents are from County Donegal in Ireland.
Family: I'm the youngest of five. I have four older sisters, all married, a nephew, and two nieces.
Hometown: Philadelphia. I spent a lot of summers in Wildwood and Cape May growing up, though.
Current Headquarters: New Brunswick, NJ.


Strengths: Helpful. Responsible. Creative. Open-minded. Supportive.
Weaknesses: Moody. Impulsive. Nervous. Packrat. Messy.
Enneagram: Helper.
VALS [Values and Lifestyles test]: Primary type: Actualizer. Secondary Type: Achiever.
Sexuality: Gay, Monogamous, Involved.

Hobbies and Activities

Games, Reading, Drawing, Volunteering for the local Red Cross, Freelance Research and Editing, Origami, Trading Cards...

Random facts

Allergies: Cats, MSG, Black Olives, Penicillin and Sulfa antibiotics.
Favorite letters of the alphabet:"C" and "R".
Favorite number: 35
Favorite food: Chicken sandwich on focaccia bread
Favorite dessert: Lime popsicles
Night or morning person: Night, definitely.

Things I like

Personal freedom and creative expression.
A stable life from which to explore freedom and expression.
A few close relationships and a wide circle of acquaintances.
Movies, music, and certain TV shows. See my Media pages for more details.
New experiences.
Learning experiences.

Things I don't like

Cats. I think they're pretty cool, but I'm terribly allergic.
Sports. I much prefer playing games to watching them.
Boredom. The bane of my existence.

Stuff I've done

Gone to three different colleges, been six different majors, and still managed to graduate with a BA in English.
Done a lot of community service stuff whilst in college.
Rocked the GREs, got into grad school, got a full time job and settled into a college town in New Jersey.
Gotten two promotions and one big raise since I started working at the aforementioned full time job.
Found a circle of friends within which I feel comfortable being myself.
Met a really cool guy and found myself in an incredibly rewarding relationship.
Took a trip to Ireland and met a few dozen relatives there.
Finished graduate school in the Spring of 2001 (yay!)
Started thinking about a stable future that could stop resembling the life of a college student at any given moment :)

Current plans

Looking for a new, rewarding career that does not involve a slew of nights and weekends.
Develop an exercise routine and better eating habits.
Continue to gradually learn conversational Spanish.

Last Updated July 11th, 2002.