Underworld: My Dedication

I don't have any pictures which is truly unfortunate, and I don't have any sound clips because my sound card just ain't working. This is a wonderful techno band which I absolutely love, however they rarely ever tour in the U.S, which sucks. Their current tour is completely overseas and ends in Japan, and if I had the money, I would spend it to go see them. They're amazing. These are my two most favorite songs (Cowgirl can be found on the Hackers Soundtrack and Born Slippy can be found on the Trainspotting Soundtrack):


everything. im invisible. an eraser of love. an erazor of love. why dont you call me i feel like flying in two. im invisible. i dont dream. (ice cream.) i scream so much. you know what i mean. this electric stream. and my tears in league with the wires and energy and my machine. this is my beautiful dream. im hurting no one. hurting no one. i want to give you everything. i want to give you energy. i want to give a good thing. i want to give you everything. everything. in one final scream of love who could climb this high she looks beautiful like a child i feel tears. and i want to scream. you know what i mean cause this is hurting no one. an erazor of love. hurt. the necessary feeling. why dont you call me i feel like flying in two. an erazor of love.

born slippy.

drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy in the doorway boy she was a lipstick boy she was a beautiful boy and tears boy and all in your innerspace boy you had hands girl boy and steel boy you had chemicals boy ive grown so close to you boy and you just groan boy she said comeover comeover she smiled at you boy. let your feelings slip boy but never your mask boy random blonde bio high density rhythm blonde boy blonde country blonde high density you are my drug boy youre real boy speak to me and boy dog dirty numb cracking boy you get wet boy big big time boy acid bear boy babes and babes and babes and babes and babes and remembering nothing boy. you like my tin horn boy and get wet like an angel. derail. you got a velvet mouth youre so succulent and beautiful shimmering and dirty wonderful and hot times on your telephone line and god and everything on your telephone and in walk an angel. and look at me your mom squatting pissed in a tube hole at tottenham court road i just come out of the ship talking to the most blonde i ever met. shouting lager lager lager lager shouting lager lager lager lager shouting lager lager lager shouting mega mega white thing mega mega white thing mega mega white thing mega mega shouting lager lager lager lager mega mega white thing mega mega white thing so many things to see and do in the tube hole true blonde going back to romford mega mega mega going back to romford hi mom are you having fun and now are you on your way to a new tension headache.

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(c)1997 Imani Publishing, All Rights Reserved.