The Non-Official Silken Touch Photo Album

Here you will find some pictures. Of me, of my friends, of random things which maybe I just wanted to add. I cut down all of the sizes of the pictures so that they will load faster, however, there are many of them so please be patient:

Gen, Senior Year of H.S, September of 1995

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this picture isn't too recent. Since August of 1996, which was a year after this pic was taken almost, I shaved my head .. So I really don't look the same. And even now, my hair is long but not that long. I'm growing it out to my shoulders! The next picture shows what my hair looked like for the entire first semester of 1996 (from September until December).

Gen, Posing At NIU, November of 1996.

Here you see me acting psycho. This was during my first semester of Northern Illinois University, right in front of my friend Jamie's Room, in Lincoln Hall, floor 4, Wing C. Enough detailed information for you? Jamie took this picture, so the wonderful photography award must be presented to her. But if you're a modeling scout, you can contact me. *smile*

See Gen Sunbathe. Tuscon Arizona, February of 1996.

Here's a wonderful little pic of me sunbathing out by the pool, at Tanque Verde Ranch in Tuscon, Arizona. I love it out there! See, my mom pulled me out of high school for a week at the end of February-beginning of March because she wanted to go. So I ended up getting a week off of school to go to Arizona, and then my spring break which was two weeks after I left Tuscon.

Wendy, My Best Friend. Taken in St.Louis, April 20th, 1996.

Alright. Wendy and I were both in choir throughout highschool, and we went on a choirtrip to St.Louis. This picture was taken right in front of the river. I don't know the name of it offhand and it's probably really obvious. Oh well. Anyways, I'm taking the picture and right behind me is the infamous St.Louis arch.

Jamie Rettke, My Best Friend From NIU.

This is James. Isn't she beautiful? She was my best friend at Northern before I left. I could totally confide in her with all of my problems and everything like that. We had snowball fights, mini foodfights, and things like that. I miss her dearly. You know, she and I did some of the most crazy stuff .. One day I wasted a whole roll of film on myself. I had her take pictures of me posing in different positions. Well, she took a picture of me flicking my cigarette ash in between my legs. I lost that film, thank god.

Dora, My Dancing Buddy.

This is Dora! She and I get along perfectly, and she's my favorite dancing partner. She says that when we dance, our rhythm is like a "Hand in Glove" type of thing. And ya know what? I agree! During my little escapes to GirlBar in Chicago, she and I bootie called all night. I miss her dearly because I never really see her anymore.. *sniff*

I have more pictures and will be updating my photo-album soon!

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