This is me with my friend Quinn.  I met Quinn away back in Winter of 1993.  I don't get to see Quinn as much as I'd like due to the fact that we both work alot and don't have alot of the same time off work. But he is one of nicest and dearest friends.
Quinn's Webpage
Quinn's Email Address
This is my friend Andrew in Montreal, we dont get to see each other often due to the fact he lives in Montreal and I live in Toronto. But everytime we see each other it's like things haven't changed.  Sure both of us change alot individually for each other.  But when we see each other we just kinda start off from the last time we saw each other.
Andrew's Webpage
Andrew's Email Address
This is my friend Heath.  We have been friends for a long time and he is one of my best friends in the whole world. I think we have learned alot from each other and he has been there for me through thick and thin.  He is one of the most loyal friends I have ever had and we'll be friends forever.  He lives with his b/f Cory. I think they make one of the cutest couples I know.
Heath's Webpage
Heath's Email Address
If your my friend and I missed you and you want to be on my webpage then just email me and send me a pic of you.
Sorry if I missed you please let me know if you want to be here instead of this baby hippo. :)
Your Webpage here
Your Email Address here
This is my friend Thomas. We have been friends for awhile now but now he lives in Toronto instead of Montreal so now I'll get to know him better and get to see him more often. He's a fun guy and has a gift of knowing how to cheer me up. :) He's a great friend and now that he is in Toronto hopefully we'll become better friends. :)
Thomas' Webpage
Thomas' Email Address
This is Joey, he is my ex who I ended up becoming pretty good friends with but then he moved to Halifax for awhile.. He moved back here late last year but I rarely see because he is dating someone who hates me.. (who I dont really like myself) but I wish him the best because he really does deserve to be happy...
Joey's Webpage
Joey's Email Address
This is Tim, he lives in Utah. He is my one and only true internet friend.  We have been talking on the net for over 2 years and we always talk whcih is more then I can say for most of the other net friends I have had over the years. He's a great guy and has been there to make me smile at times I needed it and I love him for it!  I cant wait till the day I get to meet him in real life.
Tim's Webpage
Tim's Email Address
Chris's Webpage
Chris' Email Address
This is Chris, we used to be closer then what we are now but you know how it goes sometimes you drift from some people in your life and go your own seperate ways.. He was around for a really weird period of my life and I wont ever forget his friendship thru one of the toughest periods of my life.. I hope we stay in each others life but you never know in life do you?
This is Ian.. Ive known Ian for a long time but wasnt until the last year and half that we had got close.. He is one of the most down to earth people that you could ever meet and couldnt imagine how anyone could say a bad word about him.. He has been there for me alot over the last year and will never forget it.. I envy the fact he seems to know what he wants out of life and he goes for it.. Wish I had more of that in me..
Ian's Webpage
Ian's Email Address
Shane's Webpage
This is Shane..  We dated summer of 99 and i have to say he is one of the nicest and sweetest guys I have ever met in my life.. and well u can tell he is a hottie too.. :)  But I dont think I appreiated him like I should.  But now he has found a guy who treats him good and hopefully we'll hang out sometime because it sucks not having him in my life...
Shane's Email Address
Kimberley's Webpage
Kimberley's Email Address
This is Kimberley.  I have been friends with her for a long time now.  She knew me when I was just a young pup.  :)  She is a very special person too me even though at times I havent showed it.  But I always know that she would be there for me if I needed her.  Sometime soon I will prove the same too her.
Have Visited this page since July 20, 2000
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Last updated by HyPeRbOyAlAn on March 7, 2001 �2001
Colin's Webpage
Colin's Email Address
This is Colin, We met in the summer when I was down in Lake George NY.. We had talked for awhile and was amazing meeting him.  He is one of the sweetest guys Ive met.. He very caring and alot of fun to be with.. The time I spent with him in Summer was one of the best I had all summer and I thank him for putting a smile on my face when it was really hard for me to smile..
Jason's Webpage
Jason's Email Address
This is Jason..  Ive known him for almost a year now and I think very highly of him.. he's a really sweet guy and is alot of fun to be with.. Kinda wacky.. Reminds me alot of myself when i was younger.. *geez that makes me feel old* But I think my life is a better place since he been in it.. :)  Just hope it stays that way :)
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Todd's Webpage
Todd's Email Address
This is Todd.. You can see him at We have been friends for a long time and gone thru alot of weird/fun times together.. Highlighted by our trips to watch the Mapleleafs kick some ass in Montreal.. He's been there alot when i really needed him.. But dont wanna see him naked like the rest of the world does.. :P Its nice to have a token gay boy who likes hockey as much as I do :)