December 2, 2001
Love,  Alan
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Happy Ho Ho!!!!!
It's been almost two months since I wrote in hear.. So whats new and exciting?  Well as you can see above here on November 21st it was my 1 year anniversary with Jason.. I think its amazing.. :) actually he's not too bad either.. but also is scary because I never thought I would ever find someone to be with for a year.. :) Not that I think we'll break up anyday.. We get along really well and he isnt just my boyfriend but my best friend as well.. As annoying as he can be sometimes and big headed and stubborn.. Tee hee.. But I think its great that when you know someone really really well.. I have alot of friends who know alot about me but nobody knows me as good as Jason would especially seeing we spend so much time together.. Soon we will be getting a place together which I cant wait for.. :)  Because I hate when we are apart and stuff like right now as im at work at 1am on a Saturday night.. It seems like whenever I write a diary entry its when im in on a Saturday night but its good because im not very busy and dont get disturbed while im writing this...We didnt do anything to exciting for our anniversary.. just things we normally do.. Go out for dinner and watch Mapleleafs play but I did take him to watch Leafs kill Florida 5-1 and will be taking him next Saturday to watch his favorite player Theo Fleury play.. Jason got me this really nice Leafs coat for our anniversary and I got him a Mapleleafs jersey with #16 Darcy Tucker.. :) So what else is new? Hmmm.. Finished 80% of my Christmas shopping done already.. which is weird because I never usually even start until the week before at the earliest :) But just kinda got in the mood early.. Mainly because I HATE crowds and every year I got stuck in crowds.. Also soon might lose my job at Merrill Lynch because its being sold to CIBC.. Dont know whats going to happen with that yet but they are paying me to stay so I cant complain about that and I'm almost full time staff at the racetrack now and I like that job a hell of alot better then I like this one at all.. Last weekend went to fly.. was my first time there in awhile and I always forget how many people that is there that I dont like or want to have anything to do with but such is life in the drug crowd of fly.. Then on Wednesday I went to the barn for the first time since June 3/2001 with my friend Heath and Joey... I could go now because my probation which said I could not go to the barn finished on October 23, 2001.. I tried to avoid the two fat bouncers there who had given me a black eye on June 3/2001.. But aint gonna get into that again but one saw me and tried to kick me out but I said I hadnt been there in 19 months and told me to talk to the other who told me I have 18 months probation at the barn and other bullshit.. But I stayed and danced.. I realized that the only thing i missed about the barn was i liked dancing there..  Not that im going to go there much anyways .. but its kewl goin there for couple hours on a weekday when I dont have to work next day... So Christmas is little over 3 weeks away.. WOW!  Not that im much of a Christmas person myself.. and it sucks because Jason is going back to Detroit for almost 2 weeks to visit his family..  :(  Anyways dont have much else to say so i'll end this here.. But hope you'll have a great Christmas...
I feel like you know me well
I�ve tried to let you see me for yourself
I feel like I�m�I�m out of my head
I�ve got this thing for you

I like your face I like your body
Like your feet I like your nose
I like your chest beneath the covers
Like your heart I like your soul
I like your life inside me pounding like a heart inside a dream
Inside a dreamer that�s been dreaming of a perfect symphony

I like the way you walk beside me like a paper in the wind
The way you swing your arms so gladly
Where you end and I begin
I like everything
About you
Baby I do
- Jann Arden
Happy Ho Ho Ho!!!!
Happy Anniversay!!!!!
This cute banner was made by my friend Kimberley