the eastgarden symbol The Eastgarden - Frank's gay place to be Link to Frank's Central
Last updated: 2002-06-26

Front page

Why Eastgarden

About Frank

gay in:





Guestbook by Lycos/Lpage




You are no.
since Mar 13, 1998

Welcome to the Eastgarden!

This site has not been updated for a while, but please come back later for more information. (June 2002)

    A new millennium: Year 2000. It's just a number, it's man-made, man invented, and only used in some parts of the world. Yet we all put so much into it. We turn a new leaf and want everything to be better, brighter and give us new hope. It is a hype, but I still find it fascinating and a bit frightening how much we have come to rely on computers in all the things we do, and the way mere numbers affect us. I certainly hope the situation for all of us will improve; that there will be less bigotry, abuse, hate crime, and discrimination in the new century.

    Acting out your gayness is not that easy everywhere on the earth. In fact, it may even be completely illegal, and that in countries you thought were normal, civilized places. To make people aware of the situation for our brothers and sisters in other countries, the eastgarden countries -pages show the legal situation for gay men and women all over the world.
    I've also made this this site for you to relax, have fun, and find out something about me, Frank, as well as gay life in Gothenburg and the rest of Scandinavia. I hope you'll browse through all my pages before leaving, and bookmark this site so you can come back again soon - and don't forget to sign my guestbook! Frank
Check out the gay legal situation at
eastgarden countries!
 Latest new addition on May 11, 2000.
Now 'A' through 'Q' on-line.
Play Java-Tetris on
 eastgarden tetris!
(Requires Java)
Check your biorhythm on
 eastgarden biorhythm!
(Requires Java)

Trash nazism!
nazism exposed

John Hron

Rainbow flag - Symbol of Gay Pride

Best experienced with
Internet Explorer
Click here to start

(It looks just as good with Netscape)

MSDN member

Thanks to Infral logo who opened my eyes to the Internet! Their Teletext Internet service on Swedish TV3 was shut down in late 1996. Too bad, as it was a great idea, but with many technical problems.

Member of

3text-maffian on-line!
About those who used 3text on-line in 1996

[email protected]