To know, know, know to love, love, love me...I guess ...but are some of my favorite things in this crazy ol' world..AND...they just happen to have web pages...YAY!!!

Click on the links below to jump down my page...or scroll...whichever... The 80's~*~The Indigo Girls~*~Rocky Horror Picture Show~*~The Breakfast Club~*~Star Wars~*~Beatlefest~*~The Goonies~*~Labyrinth

The 80's...who couldn't love them...that is if you lived through them (you cute 'lil tikes!)...if you would kill for Cindy Lauper's hair or would die to wear three pairs of socks...this one's definately for you...Yeah 80's!

My two most favorite dykes in the entire world...Can't wait to see them in concert...but til then here's a list of Indigo Girls links from Yahoo!

Where do I go every Friday night?...the only place I know where freaks of all shapes, sizes, and lifestyles get their kicks ...or get laid...who knows what will happen at The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

One the greatest movies of all times...the one that made us try captain crunch and pixy stix sandwiches and taught us to say "Eat my shorts!" way before Bart Simpson ever know it...The Breakfast Club

A long time ago...I was obsessed with Star Wars and I still am check out this bad boy of a page!...Star Wars.

The gods...I worship them pretty much every year at a lovely little convention called... Beatlefest..."A Spledid Time Is Guaranteed For All!"

"Hey, you guys!"...The movie which taught me that bats can have rabies and how to look down girls sweaters while driving a car, is also a great home page...The Goonies.

David Bowe...nuf said...I get chills just thinking about him in those tights and huge, blond, spiked know it... you love it...the movie that gave the quote "take off your head" a whole new meaning...Labyrinth.

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