
This is my voice, my chance to let you know the truth and 
the lies. I hope you can find peace within your sexuality.
And for those who were brainwashed by heterosexism, I hope
you can start to learn to accept and move on.

I am a bisexual woman.

I am not a slut, a coward, or confused.
I am me.
I have love for all man-kind.
I do not feel the need to "have my cake and eat it too" or "ride the fence".
I can be monogamous.
I do not have three-somes or orgies on a regular basis. I do not feel the need to.
I am not hiding in heterosexuality and vice verse.
I do not need to choose. There is no decision to make. I never had a choice in the first place.
I don't need to find myself. I know who and where I am.
I am not immoral, irrational, or irresponsible.
I am only what I am and nothing more.
I am not confused.
I know all of the lies.

Copyright 1998