My Coming-Out Story

Were shall I begin... I came out in May 1994 and the realization woke me up and I felt alive. Gone were the days of feeling like a freak or something because I couldnt make myself feel attracted to men. And that feeling goes far back to my teenage years. I should have known something was different when I kissed my first boy and physically got ill from the thought of kissing a boy... YUK!!!

Needless to say I didnt get that feeling when I my first woman..WOW!!!


Coming out to my family wasn't something I was looking forward to telling them. See I grew up in a Southern Baptist (yup the one boycotting Disney) household and didn't know how they would take the news that their daughter was a lesbian. So I hid way in the back of the closet, behind all the clutter and junk in my life.

But eventually I came out a little at a time. First to my cousin, who accompanied me to a Melissa Etheridge concert and flat out asked me if I was gay. I said YES I AM. Second, my friend Kathy who helped introduce me to the Fresno Gay/Lesbian Community. Then my sister (who I was scared would hate me because of a strict christian Pentacostal belief.) She asked me if I was and her response was COOL! She could care less, she just wants me to find someone who will love me and make me happy. My parents... Oh God!!! They were the hardest. I came out to my mother while watching Ellen's Coming Out episode. I am so grateful to Ellen Degeneres for that decision and filming the episode. Well Mom wasnt surprised or even shocked. Just glad I finally told her. Now my father on the other hand, I was terrified. My father has never been one to be gay-friendly. But I came out to him just before Thanksgiving '97 because my mother told me to tell him. To my surprise, he accepted me with loving arms and said "are you happy?" When I told him Yes I Am Happy, he just said OK! And to this day always asks me about my life and if I have a girlfriend. And then he becomes the typical Dad.. and wants all the scoop on her. How we met, what she does, etc. etc.

Family is a strange concept, full of surprises. You think you know them, but then something important happens and the reaction you expect doesn't happen. The opposite does. I suppose I am a very lucky person to have a wonderful family like mine.

Gradually I have come out to friends. At first I was rather picky about who I told because most of my friends were straight. And like my family, they have also welcomed me. Now I am at a point in my life that I don't care who knows that I am gay.

Heck I have almost been caught by the police making out with dates in public. Opps hint: next time take a car with dark tinted windows! and find a secluded area (not a public park on a Friday afternoon)LOL.

Well that is my coming out story. Rather boring huh? Yeah compared to many others I have read, it is. I can only hope other gay & lesbians, especially the youth will have it as I have. One day it will be that way for everyone and the door to that closet will never have to close again.