
grape bar

Virginia Grace




I'm Virginia Grace, better known as "Ginger" and more informally as "Gini." Most personal Web sites seem to have a biography, most of which are incredibly similar so I won't bore you with my details. However, since coming to accept myself I've become a gentler, kinder, and more sensitive person in every way.

In my travels I've met an incredible number of transgendered people from throughout the United States and other countries. Among them have been those who quietly transitioned and lead anonymous and successful lives. I've known others who are legends and leaders in the transgendered community, achieving fame for their self-sacrifice and accomplishments. Regardless of their differences, all have been incredibly nice, modest about their accomplishments, and have treated me, often clueless about them, with equality and respect. I hope I do as well.

Most of us are limited in our ability to take major leadership roles, but there are many ways we can contribute. Even those of us who can't march in rallies can make phone calls and send letters and e-mail to our elected officials supporting equality for all people, join and attend support groups, and otherwise participate as we can in events available to us. I'm thankful for the early leaders who made my choices possible and want full equality for those coming afterward. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone's story had a happy ending?

As a group we appear to constitute a continuum from the casual cross-dresser to the transsexual and many of us are on a journey to find our comfort level. I started late in life and am still on my journey. Congratulations if you have arrived at your comfort destination! Good luck if you are struggling with your needs! I'd love to hear from you, especially if you live in East Tennessee, and promise to write!

This Page © 2003 Ginger

All graphics are believed to be in the public domain. Please let me know if an image is not and it will be removed. All rights to the text and photographs are reserved. Permission to copy, link or otherwise use the text and or images on this page not in the public domain is denied.
