Okay, now the page where you go a clinkin' and look up at the clock five hours later saying, Who am I? Where am I? Then you try to justify it by assuring yourself that you must have learned *something*.

Anyway, Have Fun!

Lesbian.org Amy's page is a great resource for the lesbian community.

Dorsie runs several lists. Check it out.

Queernet.Org Another great resource for gay lists.

Jade and Rebel have a fun web site. Be sure to check out the butch vs. femme quiz.

Kat's Links. Many links for lebians, AIDS, Politics, and Resources.

For fun, check out your horrorscope. Er, I mean horoscope.

I'm a ESFJ. Take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter to see what you are.

This is a cool little quiz . Check it out! Here's my results but don't look until you take yours otherwise it could spoil it for you. I'll be watching!

Cyrano's Site.Ever been at a loss for words? Check out the letter he composed for me.