October 9, 1962
9:00 PM
Charlotte, North Carolina

Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun       position is 16 deg. 17 min. of Lib
Moon      position is 27 deg. 54 min. of Aqu
Mercury   position is  9 deg. 14 min. of Lib
Venus     position is 24 deg. 34 min. of Sco
Mars      position is 28 deg. 59 min. of Can
Jupiter   position is  3 deg. 27 min. of Pis
Saturn    position is  4 deg. 46 min. of Aqu
Uranus    position is  3 deg. 37 min. of Vir
Neptune   position is 12 deg. 14 min. of Sco
Pluto     position is 11 deg. 06 min. of Vir

Section 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Gemini Rising:

    You are always questioning and learning, and you seem young
and alive no matter what your chronological age, for your mind
is always alert, curious, flexible and open to new experiences.
You have a childlike enthusiasm for anything new and you learn
easily, but you also get bored rather quickly. You can be
something of a scatterbrain, for you tend to have so many ideas
and irons in the fire that it is hard to keep track of them all.
You need and crave variety, change, mental stimulation, and an
active social life.

    Articulate, clever, often funny and witty, you are always a
refreshing and interesting conversationalist. You enjoy meeting
and interacting with a variety of different people. You are
friendly, flirtatious, and charming in a light, playful way, and
no matter how badly you may be feeling, you never appear heavy
or somber. You may seem frivolous to other, more serious souls.
You have a sense of humor and a sense of perspective that
prevents you from taking yourself or life too seriously. In
fact, you may seem flippant or unconcerned about matters that
others consider very important.

    In general, you respond to life mentally and objectively
rather than emotionally, and you may not empathize with people
very much. You do not like to be weighed down with too much
responsibility or with others' emotional burdens. Furthermore,
if you cannot UNDERSTAND something reasonably and logically,
then very often you would prefer to ignore it, including your
own and other people's irrational feelings, desires, and needs.

    Consistency and reliability are not great virtues of yours
and your life is apt to be full of changes and movement due to
your restlessness. You become nervous and fidgety if things are
not moving quickly enough. You are interested in what is current
and up-to-date, the newest trends in thought or style.

    Your gifts are a quick mind, verbal facility, a flair for
language, social sophistication and polish, the ability to
communicate, converse, and build bridges between people and
between ideas. You tend to become an incessant chatterbox or
gossip if you do not have work or other involvements that
utilize your mental, verbal, and social skills.


Section 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Libra:

    Harmony and balance are your keynotes.  You instinctively
understand the need to accommodate other peoples' interests and
desires, and you are always fair and willing to meet the other
person half way. Tactful, diplomatic, and with considerable
social awareness, you do all you can to avoid conflict and
discord. You express a spirit of cooperation and compromise and
often achieve through charm and discretion what would have been
impossible to achieve by a direct, forceful approach.

    Getting along with others and pleasing them may be TOO
important to you, for you can be too dependent on others'
approval and opinions to make your own decisions. You will
rarely act without getting the counsel and feedback of other
people. You prefer sharing and doing things together rather than
on your own. Being alone feels very unnatural to you, and you
have a strong need for a partner and intimate one-to-one

    You invest a great deal of your energy in personal love and
you are very idealistic and romantic about marriage. You seek a
partner who is your equal intellectually, and who is capable of
a mental relationship as well as a physical and emotional one.
You make a thoughtful, considerate friend or lover, and you
enjoy the traditional symbols of love - courtship, flowers, etc.
Relationships are like an art to you, one that requires time,
attention, and creative effort. You appreciate a partner who is
subtle and polished, never coarse or dull or blunt.

    Fairness and equality, both in your personal life and in the
world, are extremely important to you. If you fight about
anything, it is often about something you feel is unfair and
unbalanced. Balance is very important to you and you believe in
moderation in all things, avoiding fanaticism and extremism of
any sort.

    You also have a strong need for beautiful, harmonious
surroundings and a natural sense of artistic style and grace,
which is reflected in the way you dress, furnish and arrange
your home and workspace, etc. Everything must be aesthetically
pleasing and appropriate. Either working with people as a
counselor, advisor, consultant, or negotiator - or in an
artistic field such as design or photography, would be
fulfilling to you.


Section 3: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Libra:

    One of your greatest assets is your ability to see both
sides of an issue, and to negotiate and bring about compromise
and reconciliation. Tactful, reasonable, and with considerable
social finesse, you work well with people in business as well as
in personal relationships. You are objective and somewhat
detached from emotional bias, and make an excellent consultant,
mediator, or public relations person. You insist upon fairness
and seek to bring harmony or at least peaceful coexistence
between people, and your diplomacy is a benefit in any business
or social situation. You also have fine aesthetic sensitivities
and could work in an artistic or cultural environment.


Section 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Aquarius:

    You are not easily moved by emotional displays and can be
curiously detached from your own and others' emotions. It's
almost as if you could turn your feelings on and off at will so
you should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often,
for you could easily become too impersonal. Family ties and
attachments are not as important to you as they are to most
people and you often consider your friends closer to you than
your blood relatives. Certainly, your sympathy and concern
extends much beyond your immediate family. In your personal
relationships, you insist upon a certain amount of independence
and the freedom to pursue friendships with as many people, of
both sexes, as you choose. You do not appreciate a jealous,
possessive partner.

    You feel comfortable in an atmosphere that is open and
experimental, and you have little taste for convention and


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