About The Bear

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Well, thanks for stoping on in to check out my little piece of the web.

I'll start off by telling y'all a little about myself. I've lived here in Texas practically all my life. My family moved here from Indiana when I was about 9, so I consider Texas my true home. In 2007 I got the opportunity to jump way across the Pacific, so right now Hawaii is home. My birthdate is Sep. 6, 1972 so that makes me a Virgo, hey no jokes:), or if you are into Chinese Astrology, I'm a rat. I guess you could say I am big football player type, at least for my build anyway. I weigh around 245lbs, and stand about 5'11". I have thining, practically bald, dark blond hair. My are eyes are dark blue, sometimes they have a little green tint. I wear glasses because I've tried wearing contacts, and we just didn't get along. Yes, I'm a bear. Well, that's what they call hairy guys like me. I remember back in high school that I used to be called "Wolf Man" in gym because I was so hairy.

I went to Johnson&Wales University, in Providence, Rhode Island. I majored in Travel & Tourism Management. I was Historian for the first year of the Gay and Lesbian Bisexual Alliance. It was a great experience. I still have lots of friends up there and try to visit as often as I can.

I have worked for the Southwest Airlines reservations center in Houston.

After leaaving Southwest I joined Cendant Corporation in their Travel General Sales division. Cendant is a huge company and they own so many different things like Century 21, Ramada Inns, and Avis, just to name a few.

I will soon be celebrating my 10th year with Walgreen's. I still find that hard to believe. I didn't think I would have lasted this long. I guess it's just like anything else, good days and bad days. I still remember shopping at Walgreen's growing up, but I sure never saw myself working there. You just never know.



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