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This page should give you some idea of who I am:
my job profession, interests and why it is worth getting to know me.

My photographs

First, some "statistical" data. After I was born my family started to call me "Jacek" and it stayed this way till now (they have also given me a last name, but this is another pair of shoes...). I have already lived through 23 summers and hope to see at least twice as many. Height: 176 cm (5'8"), weight: 70 kg (154 lbs; after dinner it's possible I weigh more...), eyes: brown (a Polish adage says I'm going to have an interesting life because of them), hair: very dark. If you look to the left or right I'm sure your eyes will go wild - these are photos of myself... Of course, I won't make you look at them in an "express mode" - simply try clicking on any of them.

My photographs

One of my main attributes (at least here, in Poland, it's not very common for guys at my age, unfortunately) is that I do not smoke and I drink barely ever. I consider myself a tolerant guy (to some extend, of course... ), thus I try to accept other people's behaviors. That is why I do not ban my co-workers from smoking - in the designated areas, which is... not in the office! As for drinking - drink as much as you want to, but only if it is not too much for you!

The history of my life is quite complicated thus I will begin it with a paragraph. After finishing my education in the primary and secondary schools (is there anybody that did not do that?) I began to study computer science at the Independent College of Business and Administration in Warsaw, owned by last election's candidate to the post of president of Poland - PH. Tadeusz Kozluk (I have lately heard that the college is going bankrupt - interesting...). Unfortunately, I did not like it very much there and my "adventure" with this college continued only for one year. In the meantime I began to seriously collaborate with the economical department of a Polish national daily called "Sztandar Mlodych" and a few months later I became an editor of a computer insert to this newspaper (unfortunately, the newspaper is not published anymore, for some time already ).

So, I switched to the Polish - Japanese College of Computer Techniques. Alas I did not manage to stay there any longer either. It ended up with me having several years of holidays from studying... Instead, I have taken up a job in an international company providing telecommunication services (it's over three years now). I started my career there as an assistant, but after a few promotions I happen to be now (among other posts I hold) Media and Marketing Director for Central and Eastern Europe (how serious it sounds... ). My main responsibility is supervision over media advertising spending (which amounts to approximately $500'000 per month in Poland, while in other countries more or less [censored] ). I also hold the post of Editor-in-Chief of our monthly, color magazine/catalogue, which is printed in tens of thousands copies. As if it was not enough I also happen not to be worried about looking for my "other half", since at the very beginning of year 1998 I met Sebastian (Mrowa on IRC, but don't try flirting with him! ) with whom I spend really enjoyable moments. It seems that we love each other and will spend "some" of our lifetime together...

One of my biggest life's passions are journeys. I just love them. Unfortunately (?) I prefer going abroad, which is the most costly option... When I was very little I was (at least that is what I was told) in the Turkey. Later, when I grew up a little bit, I was in the former USSR - in a Young Pioneer's camp near Moscow. I remember very little - I won't ever forget though how we were buying by stealth small electronic games called "Nu pagadi zajac!" in otherwise empty shop...

My next journey was a trip to former Czechoslovakia a year later (to a place near Bratislava). I only know that we lived in a scout's camp in a big forest and that I had to come across the river on a thin rope. More sins I do not remember... After those "wet" adventures I decided to learn some foreign languages. I went to the United Kingdom (I had so much fun there that I crossed English border twice - not without some problems) and later Vienna (in Austria - I remind you just in case... ). As the first trips mentioned allowed me to greatly improve my knowledge of English I can't say that about the latter. It turned out to be a great sightseeing journey only. From German I do not remember much: "ja", "nein" and perhaps two words more. I do not regret visiting Vienna though since it's a gorgeous city!

With the time flying by I got a little bored with the trips within Europe and I thought about flying somewhere farther. Luckily for me exactly at this time I was invited to take part in a business program for high-school seniors in the United States (Cleveland, Ohio), so I obviously accepted the proposal. The airplane flew quite long (and return took it even longer - two days), but it was worth it (just my luck...). What followed...? I visited one of the world's civilization cradles - Egypt. I spoke with the ghosts of Pharaohs walking in the pyramids and I paid a homage to the ancient gods in their temples. I bathed a little on the sun at Red Sea beaches, which was quite relaxing before my return to Poland. I have also got a chance of visiting Prague in the Czech Republic - it was a business trip (which means that it was paid from my company's money... ), but I was able to spend some time on sightseeing - both historical and leisure destinations...

This is not an end of my travelling, though. At the end of 1997 business duties "forced" me to have a second trip to the States - I spent three days in our HQ located in New Jersey. Afterwards... I took almost a month of vacation! I walked around New York (both the "touristic" and gay one), I saw Washington D.C. (there I did only sightseeing - I did not have time for anything more ) and I changed climate quite a few times driving around California, Arizona and Nevada. I had the time of my life although I did not lose any money in Las Vegas nor saw no celebrities in Hollywood... Well, bad luck, huh...? After that I had a six-month break - I am supposed to work, aren't I...?

Fortunately at some point in time the company has thought about its poor, overworked employees and all of us were sent for a three-day weekend to Zurich, Switzerland. Obviously, it would be an unforgivable sin not to use the occasion and drive around - thus we drove to Luzern and afterwards to the vineyards of France (by the way here is a quiz-question - who was driving the rented car? Answer: I was, having the driving license in my pocket for only two weeks and approximately 500 km driven on my own in my whole life... Not to leave any doubts, though - the rented car was returned in exactly the same state as when we took it). The following foreign travels were strictly for business purposes. I visited for a couple (and I mean "a couple") of days Moscow, Russia. Obviously, I did not have too much time for revisiting its touristic destinations. Later on I was given the responsibility of media and marketing in just-openning branches of the company in Ukraine and Macedonia, which caused since then my quite frequent journeys to Kiev and the capital city of Macedonia - Skopje (although with the latter one the situation got a little bit complicated ).

To complete the picture of my time over usage (Mrowa knows something about that... ) please note, that in last quarter of 1998 I "reminded" to myself about the studies and I decided to return to a college (well, director without at least MBA...? ). I joined the Warsaw School of Management and Marketing (the first Polish private college, which was given the right to graduate its students with an MBA title). I have to attend the lectures every second weekend... I admit, sometimes it is veeery hard to make myself get up early in the morning on Saturday, but I believe that I am going to survive - finally the studies' major is what I really like (maybe that is because it is so closely connected with what I am doing professionally?). As for now I have an average grade of over 4,7 (in the American system that would be A- ) and I hope to keep it at least at this level in the future. Well, its "only" three years and six examination sessions left .

To be continued...

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This page created on July 11, 1996
Last modifications made on July 10, 1999

Authors of all pictures, photos and icons used on this page - for my best knowledge - withdrew their copyrights allowing everybody to publish their works without prior approval.
Should it not be true and should you be the holder of copyrights to any of the works shown above, please contact me for the picture to be taken out of display.

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