If you are adventurous then just go back to the main page and go from cell to cell. But if you are looking for something specific then the codes below will help you.

Click on my photo of the main page to hear and see a personal welcome.(You need Real Player)

My Personal Philosophy to life!

Gallery of photos of me; mostly from different places I have traveled.

Information on my last book, including some of the illustrations and where you can order it.

Here there are links to my favourite web pages of interesting people and design. Check them out and be nice: Sign their guestbook!

I have listed some singers and music that is very special to me. I hope to add real audio of some of them soon!

In this page are some are some message sites to send postcards and gifs to friends as well as some to amuse you!

This system is a great way to keep in touch with friends around the world.

If you want to send me an email you can do that from here.

A must page to stop by last sign my guestbook. If you sign it an Irish leprecon will arrive at your door and grant you a wish!

This page has very brief information about me

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