My Old Guestbook

Total: 27 guests
Name: Jake Kind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: South Philly
Time: 1997-04-09 17:21:00
Comments: This website is really cool, I think it's great that you made a website of your own

Name: Alison, Wicked Wench of the West
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Littleton, MA (at the moment)
Time: 1997-04-04 12:31:00
Comments: Elizabeth, Good luck on your move to Michigan. I figure you can handle anywhere for a year or two. Knowing your penchant for Long Island, you probably won't be gone from the NorthEast too long. Let all of us on Sappho know how you're doing, and stop back in for Gatherings. That should keep you sane. ;-> All the best! Alison, Wicked Wench of the West

Name: Michael F. Fousse
Referred by: Net Search
From: San Antonio, Texas
Time: 1997-03-31 17:42:00
Comments: Hi hon :) Just thought I'd say "high"....

Name: sharon Donnelly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Washington, DC
Time: 1997-03-24 19:46:00
Comments: Hi from a fellow Binghamton-ite, class of '83. Nice page!

Name: DEE
Website: dsm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: originally Pgh!!!!!
Time: 1997-03-23 00:56:00
Comments: Hey !! I signed your guest book! My counter keeps going up too! Come on over, visit a while and sign my guest book too.

Name: Caitlin Phillips
Website: Caitlin's Corner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: San Francisco, CA
Time: 1997-03-22 22:45:00
Comments: Hi there, neato page! Cheers! Caitlin @¿@

Name: Doris Meadows
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New York
Time: 1997-03-20 14:56:00
Comments: (private msg)

Name: Elizabeth
Website: It's this one...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-14 10:30:00
Comments: Hi everyone. Just thought I'd check in and thank you all for signing in. Also, wanted to mention the little hate-mail message someone signed here. I considered deleting it from the guestbook, but also thought that it was important to remember that there is in fact a lot of hatred and ignorance out there - I end up forgetting this a lot of the time, and that can lead to more complaceny than is probably useful. On another note: to the person who said everyone but her mother is on the internet - if you check the later entries, you can see that my mom signed in too! Although I found it a little weird that she commented on the hate mail but not on my nepotism section. Oh well. Thanks again - keep dropping by!

Name: Dan Watson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Jersey
Time: 1997-03-10 17:09:00
Comments: Just surfing around the neighborhood to see if I'd want to live in the community. I like it. I do eclectic. See ya

Name: Great Guy
Website: Great Guy Home Page
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Time: 1997-03-10 09:22:00
Comments: Hhehehe Great Page! Check Mine!

Name: Tanya Weber
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ohio
Time: 1997-03-09 18:32:00
Comments: Just looking for comments on Melissa Etheridge and stumbled across your page.

Name: Miss Columbine
Website: Divine Miss Columbine's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ridgecrest, California
Time: 1997-03-07 11:22:00
Comments: Very nice home page. Very informing.

Name: Doris Meadows
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-02 21:01:00
Comments: Reading the guest book comments I was amused at the homophobe who wished to fuck gays. Isn't this a mite oxymoronic?

Name: Megan Mills
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: ?The Midwest?
Time: 1997-03-01 13:16:00
Comments: Well, *I'm* impressed, even if *you* don't think you're up and running... Are you going to put a picture in, or some artwork? Now that I've found something new to do with my time other than that little paper I've been working (NOT) on, I'll be back. How was Milwaukee? Love, - M

Name: Rhoda Auerbach
Referred by: Net Search
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1997-02-26 13:48:00
Comments: Just checking out sites for women oriented women. Like to see who's out there besides me. Until this past year, finding another woman of *any* orientation on the Net was rare. Things are changing- everyone but my mother is on the Web.

Name: Lisle
Website: Esoterica
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Stillman St.
Time: 1997-02-24 17:41:00
Comments: Hi there--I'm trying again! Also, I'm trying the Anonymizer from that privacy page, which I thought was really cool! I know I'm slow, but I do get there! How was Kansas?

Name: Kim Shriner
Website: Kim Shriner's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wellsburg, WV
Time: 1997-02-24 08:38:00
Comments: Check out my page!

Name: Dave Bennett
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-02-22 12:24:00
Comments: Hey, you were right - there is some fun stuff in here. Unfortunately my phone number just doesn't spell much, and I was rather nonplused by the lack of info. the privacy demonstration found about me (though it did trace me as probably living in the Philadelphia region...). I hope Kansas went well. Dave

Name: Liz
Website: Liz's Page!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boston
Time: 1997-02-22 12:16:00
Comments: whoever signed the guestbook before me: YOU ARE A FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC LOSER!! to elizabeth: great page! i really like it! can't wait to see more stuff. i have bookmarked it and to you later! *Liz*

Website: amateurnight
Referred by: From Geocities
From: FUCK,FK.
Time: 1997-02-19 13:59:00
Comments: FUCK GAY`S

Name: Matt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maine
Time: 1997-02-15 09:39:00
Comments: (private msg)

Name: TINA
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-02-11 18:45:00

Name: Laurie Cashman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: 2 doors down the hallway!
Time: 1997-02-08 11:49:00
Comments: LOVE your homepage, Elizabeth. Don't be surprised when I ask you for a consult when I get one of my own. (Like I told you before, I did have one, then someone named George moved in. Still don't know how THAT happened!) Well, gotta go but I'll sure be back again.

Name: Melissa Shaw
Website: MISS-The Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bloomington, IN
Time: 1997-02-01 21:00:00
Comments: Just thought I'd sign it! :)

Name: Kim Pickering
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Little Rock, AR
Time: 1997-01-31 11:06:00
Comments: I love your home page!

Name: marty
Website: Marty/s Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-01-31 07:33:00
Comments: Thanks for your help with preventing my eviction from television city; I imagine that it will be a long time until my page looks like yours. I consider it a starter page. It's good to see that you have included information from real life, which suggests that you in fact have non-academic interests. Tell your pal from the Waldorf Cafe that we love his restaurant but haven't made it out much since the baby arrived.

Name: Elizabeth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-01-29 07:59:00
Comments: Since I can't figure out how to download my entries from their archives or whatever they said to do, I'm gonna have to beg for more people to sign my guestbook and hope it works okay. C'mon everyone!! Let me know you were here!! Thanks.

Total: 27 guests

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