My Virtual Newsstand

I’m kind of a media-nut, and keeping up with my favorite magazines and newspapers is sometimes overwhelming. But I’d rather do it than not. Anyway, here are some of the magazines and newspapers I like best. Shockingly enough, some of my favorite magazines do NOT have their own websites. I don’t understand it myself. But I’ve decided to include them here so that my collection of favorites is more complete, and besides, if you’re interested in them you can at least get their info.


My all-time favorite newspaper, Newsday is Long Island’s daily newspaper. It really kills me that I can’t get it in Philadelphia, especially since I was able to buy it every day when I lived upstate, and so had quite a sudden withdrawal problem. Luckily, I can catch up a little at least when I visit my mom, as she will store up a week or so when she knows I’m coming.

The Philadelphia Inquirer
One of Philly’s two dailies. Kind of a favorite by default, but I’ve gotten used to it, and there are a few columnists I really like.

Philadelphia Gay News
One of Philly's two weekly gay newspapers, an award-winning one at that.

The Jewish Exponent
Philadelphia's weekly newspaper for the Jewish community.


Utne Reader
Utne Reader has a great collection of original articles and reviews of articles from publications not always readily accessible. It has a progressive liberal viewpoint, but not in a rigid kind of way, and also sponsors lots of events. There are Utne Reader salons around the country, to encourage discussions of various issues, and there's an online version as well.

Out Magazine
The online version of the monthly glossy gay magazine.

New York Magazine
Interesting articles, good letters section, fun crossword puzzle (i.e., one I can actually do!), good weekly events listings. Definitely entertaining even if you don't live anywhere near NY. The theater columnist is kinda cranky and obnoxious at times though.

Ms. Magazine
Now in its seventh year as an ad-free publication, Ms. is just chock-full of interesting articles and news alerts. It also has one of the best letters sections around. Ms. can be reached at 230 park Ave., NY, New York, 10169, or by email at [email protected]; the phone # for subscriptions is 800-234-4486 (I think this works for the US only though).

"The Independent Jewish Women's Magazine" - A really great magazine filled with Jewish feminist pieces. It only comes out four times a year, so it seems like a long time between issues. Not from any specific denomination of Judaism, and respectful toward all of them. Also has a great letters section, as well as a collection of useful resources in the back of each issue. Can be reached at Dept. LIL, PO Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834, or call 800-783-4903 or 212-757-0818.

The Advocate
The weekly gay magazine - not one of my regulars, but I enjoy it every so often. The web site includes links to related sites from some of the articles; in the print magazine there's a little icon now telling you when the on-line version includes links.

I'll add more publications as I have the time to collect their URLs and get organized, but at least it's a start.

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