Things To Do On the Internet

This is a listing of some of my favorite sites to visit on the net.

DiscJockey.Com. They have just about every kind of music made! Select 70's, 80's, 90's, All hits, the list goes on! This website has all kinds of games to play. My personal favorite is Family Feud. You can play against other net-aholics.

Soapinfo.Com Check to see what is happening on your favorite soap.

MusicVideo.Com Music Videos anyone?

Andy's Garage Sale Nice items at a good price.

Ebay One of the largest auction websites. If you can't find it here, you don't need it!

Yahoo Auctions!This also a good auction site. I like this one because more people list items than those who bid. You are more likely to win what you bid on here. Crutchfield Electronics.

Past Websites

ZIP CODE INFO This is one of those sites that is just plain useful. Stop asking the dude in the cubicle next door for the Zip Code for your Aunt Greta's neighborhood.

MR SHOWBIZ CELEBRITIES From the folks who brought you Mr. Showbiz comes the brand-spankin' new way to find the stars and stats and best web sites for searching them out.

JOKESTER'S WEBSITE Jokes and more jokes. The Jokester also operates a listserver for sending jokes via e-mail.

WEB INVESTIGATOR Trying to figure something out? Need answers? Don't know where to turn? Check out the Gator, he's got some online investigational resources that will get you answers on stuff like Unclaimed Property from the State to Records Access for Birth records and DMV checks.

FREE PRIZES Be a guinea pig. Answer questions. Win stuff. 'Nuff said.

Been somewhere interesting on the net? E-mail me about it.

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